New to kayak fishing

I’m wanting to suit my kayak for some fishing off the coast of southern california. I have an ocean kayak frenzy. I’m not really wanting to do any drilling, trying to keep that to a bare minimum since i love to surf it too. What all can i do to make my boat good for this? Also, what should I expect to catch with what bait? I’ve never fished in the ocean before.

drop line in NorCal
I am in NorCal and have had some success going after bottom fish (rock fish, ling cod, etc.) using just a drop line here. Not sure that is something that you guys really have in SoCal.

I would go to a kayak shop near you that also does fishing from kayaks, or fishing shop that also sells kayaks (not one that only sells to the motor boaters)and see what they say.

I find that a can of beer dangled on
a line from a bridge or pier will catch many kayaks.