OK guys and gals, Let accept it as you say. I’ll be all you say and then I’ll die. OK? Feel better now? Good!
You win.
If you took all of your hate and objections and magnify them 100 times it still doesn’t matter. You do not know me and I do not know you, so feel 100% free to hate and insult all you like.
Now; 2 last points.
CoronaBoy I did let it go…you didn’t.
(I’m not a bit surprised however.)
I’d guess a 70 MPH wind would be possible to paddle in if the wind was at your back, at 6:00. I have not done that, and I hope I don’t ever, but that’s my best guess as of now.
rstevens, I never said or thought of paddling against it and if you learn to read and think, you’d see that in my previous posts.
30-35 MPH was not bad, (even fun) once I turned around. I found it was not too hard to stay in control for the 400 yards I needed to come in, as long as it was at my 6:00.
Going into it was close to impossible for very far, even going in a zig-zag. But I did learn that bucking 35 MPH is too much for me, too much for Anna, and no fun at all. That was the entire reason to go out in that wind in the 1st place. To see what we could do and what we could not. We know now.
As I said Context is important (to anyone that can think and comprehend anyway)
So, now please fire away. Hopefully it can go on and on and on, but I am done.
I have made a few friends here and on 1 other forum that are helpful, so I’ll let you throw your insult and froth and hate, and I hope it lasts a long time for you. Please enjoy it. That will prove (to yourselves) how right you are! Do so with my complements.
In fact I’d encourage you to double and triple your efforts. All of you who wish to can now fire away and have your “last word”, so you’ll feel warm and fuzzy in your heart of hearts.
I have noticed that many posts have gone down similar paths lately. I even got caught up in it myself. Not sure if it is the stressed out mind set because of the last year and a half or that some of these posts seem to go on too long. Maybe when the advice responses approach the 100 mark the topic from the op becomes diluted and it is time to end the thread and move on.
But not all… A person coming on here with comments about trying to make a SOT work for their purpose had a rocky start. Was not a fan of being challenged about his boat choice and there were a few other posts that could be taken as an invitation to a fight.
But that all backed off after some getting to know you time.
This one, sz-etc, reminds me more of folks who seem to expect kudos for their bravery and provide content that makes it rather difficult. So put aside the issue l raised, which he reinforced when he doubled down on being accusatory to someone else of the female persuasion. You are still left with someone who says things like a Loon being an apt boat for paddling in Alaska and disputing concerns about wind speeds from people on this board who have a lot more experience. Like swimming with the paddle is not exactly a revelation.
Perhaps he will get lessons and explore more capable boats. Perhaps he will pay attention in those lessons. Wouldn’t put money on either though.
9 foot waves means ZERO. Wave or swell? Tell me the height and the wave period. I could float over a 40’ swell like an ice cream stick. It’s all about the face of the wave. Try a nine foot curling, breaking, dumping, face in an inlet like JONES Inlet by me.
I get into small 2’ bay chop with rapid period rates and white caps I have my hands full especially in following seas, real full. I have seen people misjudge wave heights for decades. Big exaggerating statements. Example my friend has a 45’ boat we both came back from NYC in the . He said his boat was being killed in 10 waves white caps everywhere. I said they were 4’+ waves breaking shirt wave period. It was rough but the CG & weather agreed with my judgement of conditions. He ask how I knew I said I came home the same way you did in my 19’ Boston Whaler. I raced offshore boats for years. 90% of the people always exaggerated wave height after the race. The usually doubled what it was.
OP figured out some way to ensure that the wind never shifts after he launches. I’d love to know…when I’m out riding my bike, the wind always seems to be in my face, whether I’m coming or going…
Could be. It’s a hard thread to read. I think the OP was provoked in this case, but maybe just my opinion. I still don’t know why some people will ride newbies this hard, especially in this case where the OP could have PTSD or who knows what mental condition. I would learn to leave people like him alone and move on. You can give your advice and then move on, instead of beating it to death.