New York Post: Tragic video shows fitness coaches swept to sea after failed rescue attempt

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Tragic video shows fitness coaches swept to sea after failed rescue attempt

Two fitness coaches lose their lives after failed rescue: video

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That is horrible. There is a fine line between being a hero and a victim in situations like that.

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Power of water. Beat like a drum on the rocks.

That is certainly disturbing to watch and I can’t imagine what the victims and victim’s wife were going through. If it were me, I’m pretty certain I’d look at those conditions and conclude it was a suicide mission. I base that on some limited knowledge of ocean forces and what I’ve read but no direct experience. I wonder if a Pararescue Jumper standing there would assess that as doable or would they see it as akin to jumping off a skyscraper to save someone who fell off. They have the most keenly developed training for risk assessment in a situation like this.

Do regular folks just react altruistically without assessing the risk or do they erroneously weigh the risk based on their limited knowledge of the circumstances?

Also, it seems to me looking at other incidents and people I’ve worked with, sometimes the physically fit and athletes have a sense they can muscle through anything without regard for the forces of nature. I often wonder about the perception of risk and how different people with different experiences respond.

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Overconfidence gets people in trouble. Bad judgement sometimes finishes the job.

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In over his head unfortunately literally. :sob:

Some, many, people find it harder to stand by and watch a person in distress than consider the risk to self. That sense of concern is actually what drives the strong opinions about PFDs and rec boat conversations.

As a former Coast Guardsman we were always taught we had to look after the rescuer, i.e. ourselves, first. A floundering or dead rescuer is of no use to the victim!

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all involved in this tragic event.