Hi all can you help please im looking for a playfull sea kayak no me than 16ft and there are 2 im looking at but very different prices
They are a dagger cortez for £500 or a valley Serona poly for £1300. Is the serona really worth the extra money?
Thanks for your time
Theres also a perception Expression 15 but dont think that will be as playful. And a fiberglass skerry
Also im 5,9 and 15st
I have paddled a plastic Skerry and was impressed with how it paddled. It was loaned to me by a fellow that owned several nice kayaks and said it was one of his best surfing long kayaks. If I didn’t have kayaks already, I would be looking for one. However, of the kayaks listed that is the only one I have paddled.
Look at the new retail price for those kayaks (looks like the range is $1,900 to $4,000) Inspect them for condition. Paddle each to decide which one is best suited for your performance needs. Then fogurevif the price difference is worth the extra money. If you don’t like the boat, saving a few hundred dollars isn’t much of a savings.