Buying a disassembled FG 17’6" with encased foam bow and stern. the foam boxes are loose from the hull and the hull is empty. no seats,thwarts, yoke or end plates. there are two circular with drop down flange gunwales next to it on the ground. since i have not payed and packed it to the house i have not done a sand paper search yet. any help and you make my Christmas card list.
Definitely need a little more than that to go on!
yeah… i feel like harry potter telling you about the lost item… “that’s nothing to go on.”
A disassembled FG canoe? Like someone gave up in the middle of a restoration?
I hope it is a killer deal…
17’6" no hole hull. float boxes are cracked. gunwales are next to it. unopened repair kit. 80 bucks. gota love a challenge!!! it was born a traveler, aiming for a camping run around the lake boat. lake ufalla al?
mystery solved!! It’s a Sawyer extra light XL 17. out side is smooth inside looks like course burlap painted light blue. weight 57# from factory in mich. they are gone now. nothing on how old yet.
ser. saw09865m81j found a sticker under bad paint “the OSCADA”
The X17 and the Oscoda line were different Sawyer models. There was a 17 foot Oscoda. This thread has some old Sawyer catalogs that might help you determine what you have:
your 100% on that. model # on plate…canoe 17. sanding after i posted found a sticker…the Oscoda. same design but made with FG mat not fine cloth. done in their later days to make an affordable boat. msrp a little over 800. a good used one is 300-500. i paid 80 and should finish out under 200.