Northeast Scorcher - Cooling Waves!

So, the uber hot temps that have been plaguing the middle and south of the US are now in the northeast. We avoided the 90s most of this summer. Not this week. It’s been scorching last few days. I cut short my beach camping trip down south of Cape Cod because it was just too hot (including the ocean water) AND for the lack of surfing waves.

Glad I came back home. This morning got some nice 3’ foot swells (Idalia remnants) and offshore winds that cleaned and stacked the wavefaces. The water was also a refreshing 68 degrees (as opposed to 70 plus south of Cape). Nice day for those of us still on vacation.

PS. Lifeguards are gone. Going to be dangerous next week, with Hurricane Lee swells, for the unsuspecting.



working in the sun today was BRUTAL 95°😂

Our hot and humid weather ended last night and today the high was a cool and breezy 68. So I spent 5 hours on the Paw Paw.

Stopped at a nearby Lake Michigan beach after my paddle and thought of you sing.

High of 68 predicted for tomorrow too. I’m getting ready.

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Hope it cools off before I go back to work next week… :melting_face: :pray:


At noon it is 75 here and cloudy. Very nice.

Wish that were the case here. Still 90 plus and humid here. Worse, only little 1’ bumps in the local breaks. Not worth breaking a sweat to load the kayak. Staying home. Have a lot of video footage of small surf from the past couple of weeks to review and edit. Maybe…

PS. Getting ready and waiting for Lee swells… A surfers forecast for Hurricane Lee


Hot enough to cook muffins!

Cooling off…



Cloudy and not so hot today.

Got some rolling and brace practice with the breaking wavelets.


That incoming thunderstorm hit as I was headed home. Amazing downpour for about an hour! Glad I got some practice time in. Hope to get another in before Hurricane Lee swells arrive at the end of this week.
