NRS "Kilt' sprayskirt allowing water in?

I’m brand new at kayaking - I bought a NRS “Kilt” Universal sprayskirt from a local dealer for a used Perception 3D kayak that I recently purchased. I took a rolling class in a pool at the local county park and had a blast, except the kayak kept getting a couple of gallons of water in it after a few rolls. This skirt is neoprene with a nylon waist that has velcro to form around the waistline. The dealer said this would seal well in surf and whitewater, but one of the instructors tonight told me that the nylon allows water in and maybe the elastic/velcro waist isn’t that waterproof.

Can anyone please share some tips with me on what is an allowable amount of water upon rolling; could I be wearing the skirt wrong (over my shirt); or should I get another type of skirt and take my loss on this one? Thanks for any assistance.

Have not seen the NRS KILT
Most nylon tunnels don’t fit tightly at all. Some have a neoprene gasket and you can cinch them up. I think they are worthless.

If you are getting gallons of water into your kayak you need a different skirt especially if you are going to play in real whitewater or surf. Neoprene skirts are not that hot because you can water cool them unless you live in a very warm climate.

Rolling with a tight skirt the inside of your kayak should stay pretty dry. Maybe a cup of water in my boat sometimes, and that probably sloshed in while I was messing around with the skirt off. If your skirt leaks gallons and you go out in real breaking waves to surf, you will be swamped in no time.

What are you wearing with it?
If you are just wearing it with a shirt there will be a gap along your spine in the small of your back which will allow water in. This can be avoided if you wear a dry top with the waist band over the skirt. Good tops and skirts have double tunnels which let in even less water.

shark, I have an NRs Kilt, specifically.
Mine too lets water in. I once thought it was only because the body tube, with the velcro, was not tight fitting, but I think now that it is coming in from the edges (bungie) even though it is fitted well and tight on my sprayskirt.

Now, NRS Kilt = backup skirt.

"should I get another type of skirt and take my loss on this one? ", says Shark. Yes, is answer.

I got Snapdrgaon Gracier Trek (third one down: )and have never had the same problem, and the product is exceptional in every way. G’luck, hombre.