NRS Paddle Float Failure

I used a mask to keep the salt ocean water out of my eyes and since I liked looking around at my orientation etc.

Do you know where Telephone Cove is? That would be a great practice beach.

Did you say you got another boat?!

OY! Brain eating amoeba

Donā€™t people water ski in Lake Meade all the time?!

Right, J-Tree at the moment. Shooting to be in Tucson in Oct - ? and we go to the Salt river above Phoenix somewhat often when in the `Zona.
Donā€™t know if thatā€™s close enough to you to make it a worthwhile trip. When we go itā€™s usually for a three night river camp.

People wade and swim in it, too. Like I said, it is rare, but it does exist.

Iā€™d heard of it being a concern at the hot springs downstream from Hoover Dam. But until the fatality last year I didnā€™t realize it was an issue at the Lake, too.

I get the impression youā€™re fairly nomadic. Or maybe Iā€™m misinterpreting?

It will be a while before Iā€™m ready to do multi-day kayak trips but I might like to someday.

Although masks, goggles, and nose clips are useful when practicing, keep in mind that you are unlikely to be wearing these in an actual unplanned capsize event.

Sure but I was rolling fifty times a day for a weekend in Mexico and flying home and I have to be able to see to get around :wink: the Sea of Cortez is quite salty.
I felt better being able to see my skirt release in the beginning also.

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It is VERY important to protect yourself from the water while learning or practicing rolling.
wear both ear plugs and nose plugs. The amount of time spent immersed is not at all the same as the amount of time to just roll. using the proper eye protection for learning is also important. Be as comfortable as possible to facilitate learning .

DO NOT succumb to the theory that you will not have them when you need them to rollā€¦BAD IDEA

The inner ear is your balance so wear ear plugs . Water , especially cold water can make it so you might not even be able to sit upright in your kayak. There is also the possibility of ear infection. The nose plugs will help prevent sinus infection. Everyone NEEDS time in the water and multiple immersions in order to learn to roll. If you actually need to roll it is totally different.

Learning to rollā€¦is totally different than just rolling.

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Totally nomadic. Our multi day camp trips on the Salt might night be what youā€™re imagining. Because the lower Salt (below Roosevelt reservoir) has a dam about every 10 miles are trips are usually,
Day 1 - put in, paddle about 5 miles to a campsite, set camp.
Day 2 - paddle up to the dam and back just enjoying the day.
Day 3 - maybe paddle around closer to camp/ practice a variety of things, then brack camp and paddle back down river/ across lake at lower dam to the take out.

Have you ever watched *Paulo Ouellet videos?

Iā€™ve been watching them and get it in my email.

Who is this guy, he seems really good.

I think maybe he is in Vancouver?

Iā€™ve never watched Paulo. I am the guy in the video that I posted.

Sorry for the qualityā€¦I made it when I still had dial up and video was shot with a point and shoot Pentax that was one of the first waterproof digital s. I just found it the other day on my hard drive and liked the music. Music is by Enya, Shepherd Moons album {song title is EbudƦ}

BTW thanks for the compliment.

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Not in Vancouverā€¦southern shore of Lake Superior.

Here is another fun video. No music but comes with a slight twist because of a paddle I made.


My husband just sent me a picture of the new public boat ramp in Laughlin, he drove out to check a rental but I stayed at the beach because he drives too fast.

Sure would be nice to be floating that tonight

No problem with the roll (you probably didnā€™t need the paddle anyway). But, how does it paddleā€¦? :smiley:

Regarding an alternative to an inflatable paddle float, I use a .5" x 16" x 12" piece of ensolite foam pad that is rolled and bound by an adjustable velcro strap. This in turn is stored inside a 12"x18" mesh bag with a cinch cord opening. I can stick either the end of GP or a Euro blade into the rolled foam pad, inside of the mesh bag. The velcro strap allows for adjusting to the width of the blade. The mesh bag cinch cord tightens around the paddle shaft to hold the foam pad in place during self rescue practice. (I havenā€™t tried in conditions because I usually roll and, if need be, do a re-entry and roll.)

The foam pad is stored behind my seat in the cockpit. It actually gets more usage as a seat pad for the ground on during land breaks when daytripping.



I like singā€™s ideaā€¦foam inside a mesh sack. I thought about a pool noodle cut lengthwise and put around the edges of the blade, but that would probably not be enough floatation.

When I get back to Germany Iā€™m going to play around with the idea. In my ideal world, Iā€™d have nothing on deck and Iā€™d have the seat changed over to the custom foam like I have in my Solstice.

One thing I like on the new boat are the paddle keepers on the deck. Iā€™ve been reading the cockpit fit thread and very curious how the keyhole compares to the CD in size. I think itā€™s quite a bit smaller.


The key is finding the right size mesh bag to enclose the foam and widest paddle.



Nice! I like that