NRS Paddle Float Failure

Just wondering if anyone with the yellow NRS paddle float has seen this failure: twisting air lock valve at tip of inflator has fallen off (and was lost).

Fortunately the design has two independent inflators/air chambers so at least you have something if you end up needing it.

yes Seattle Sports tip was loose. I have 7 kayaks and a set in each hull. Couple were loose I used Krazy glue to reattach them. Roughen the surfaces with sandpaper and shove it in. Tip on one also. That’s a float bag not a paddle float.

I’ve had the inflator tips on paddle floats come off. Replacements can be ordered and Aquaseal works well to reattach them after you rough up the surface. Many reputable companies with a good warranty consider this to be an equipment defect and will send out replacements for free.

Almost all paddlefloats sold today are two chambered for safety reasons. I would not buy or use a single chambered float.

Some people prefer rigid paddlefloats for their quick deployment, but I have found them rather bulky and in teaching rescues have found that they do not offer sufficient buoyancy for larger paddlers.

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Yes I received an email from NRS today…75 cents each and free shipping. I have not tried them for myself but I trust their tech support.

Im not sure i am allowed to post a link to their site.

Search for float bag valve.

In the mean time, using google shopper, I found a replacement NRS float for $36 and some sketchy looking Attwood floats for $6.

I have been told the foam floats are useful for cold water because they can be deployed more quickly…a good mitigation for a leaky zipper on a dry suit.

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I use foam float in the winter. I also have dual chambered PF behind the seat on a bungee cord.

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Elaborate please?

Between the foam and inflatable? They say foam means there’s less to do before using it so some like foam for cold water . . . less time swimming before using the float and getting out of the water.
Inflatable means you have to spend time blowing them up before you can use it to get out of the water. But they take up less space.
Also people say that foam doesn’t provide as much flotation, so bigger paddlers may have trouble w/ them.

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I think I might like to try the foam kind

Could you use an extra PFD?

I always have an extra on deck

Paddle floats are designed to fit over the blade of the paddle and give support when using the paddle as a stabilizer for reentry. Not sure that it would be easy to rig a pfd to act as a good paddle floats.


Someone’s gotta say it:

All the more reason to learn to roll.

I can roll but only one direction.
That’s not going to keep me off the water and if you were caught without a paddle float (I’ve never even known about them) it’s always good to know another method. The shop that sold me the kayak didn’t even have any paddle floats. I want more time in warmer water to practice. The only way I can get back in the boat is to crawl up the stern and balance. And I can’t do it with a lot of gear on. I know that is not kosher but it’s my reality. Rough seas? I’d be SOL, let’s be real.

I try and be realistic about my limitations and set goals that I’m working towards. But I won’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough or I’d never improve or make any progress.

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If you were stateside I’d be happy to practice wet exits/reentries and rolling w/ you. I have trouble finding anyone out here in the desert that wants to do more than float paddle down river or around a lake w/ their legs hanging out of the cockpit.:roll_eyes:


What if your extra. PFD had a sleeve made for your paddle? Like your carry on luggage accepts the personal item. Redundant function, Id probably always have it because I always take it and it’s not stowed away in a hatch.

I don’t have anybody to practice with either. My husband just said have a canvas sleeve sewn on my extra PFD. I like having an extra PFD on deck because if I come across somebody in trouble, I can guarantee you they will not be wearing a PFD where I am. He is always telling me I don’t need it (the second one) but I feel strongly that I do.

Do you really want to be in the situation with nothing to give them except your self?!

We argue a bit :wink:

I find most “multi- purpose” items do neither well. On the other hand it’s fun to experiment.
I have a foam float that never really leaves the kayak. When I’m not using the yak it lives in a hatch. While in use it’s on the deck right behind me. In a river camping situation I use it as a sit pad :grin:. One less thing to bring.


The key to a foam paddlefloat is to try it in the conditions in which there is a chance of capsize, with proper precautions, of course. As has been said, they usually provide less floatation than a dual chamber inflatable, but they are quicker to deploy. Ideally, people should regularly practice rescues anyway. I’m constantly amazed at the number of solo paddlers that I meet on open water without a pump and paddlefloat (and usually their PFD stuffed behind their seat or on the deck) when asked how would you get back into your boat if you capsized, have never seriously considered that they might capsize or think that they could just climb back into the boat.

As foam floats resemble the old floating cushions that used to be legal as a rescue device on boats instead of USCG approved PFDs, they would possibly serve as a throwable rescue device to throw to a panicked swimmer in an emergency. Of course a spare PFD could be used in the same situation. Putting on and properly fastening a PFD once you are in the water is very difficult, especially if you are trying to hold on to a boat or loose gear.

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MohaveFlyer, a potential multiuse pfd/paddle float might be doable with a three-strap pfd (three buckles on front) without modification. With open pfd and blade towards head end, fold front flaps over paddle shaft, fasten bottom strap under paddle and top two straps on top of paddle. Loosen or tighten straps as needed. The paddle may need something more to keep it from sliding out (maybe drip rings can help).

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Good idea for me to try I think. It would be so great to have a pool for a few days. I know in America people have been renting their pools out so maybe I’ll check around this winter. I do carry a pump in the CD but I am not sure the new kayak requires one because it’s so low volume and easy to empty.
Maybe I recall the Baltic Surge guy only has a big sponge. Maybe it’s dumb but I’ve never been thrilled
with opening my hatches in the open water (The Sound, Tofino) This is because of the alignment and gasket / strap situation when closing them —having a wave fill that with more water would complicate things for me.

I’m actually pretty good at putting gear on and off in the water in swell because we would dive off our boat that way and you develop a system.

Of course my main concern is getting proficient at getting out of cold water and it’s my weakest link I think.

I have both a pump and a sponge onboard and I’ve used both of them at different times.

I don’t think anyone wants to open their hatches in water other than flat. That’s why day hatches developed. Some space w/ a small opening that wouldn’t swamp your boat if hit w/ a wave. I can’t even reach my hatches from the cockpit nor would I want to. Everything I might need in the water is either in my pfd, on my deck, or in the cockpit.

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[Edit: I’d asked if LowTech was in Vegas, now I remember you’re over near JT]

I’m in Las Vegas, and just got an upgraded boat I’m confident could be rolled (Dagger Stratos 12.5). But, I need to learn how.
However, the thought of rolling on/in Lake Mead isn’t appealing. It’s not exactly clean water.
Then there’s this, though admittedly it’s very rare and apparently a nose clip (probably a good idea anyways while practicing) can prevent it… Naegleria Fowleri Fatality - Lake Mead National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park Service)