I took several annual 3-day trips through the Okefanokee 20 years ago, and once 10 years ago. I want to do it again, but I heard the trails have been damaged by fire and droughts. I didn’t see any specific closures on the website. Has anybody been out there recently? Are the trails in decent shape? The least time I was out there, we had trouble finding a rebuilt platform, and we had to bush whack our way through one trail.
Also - do cell phones get reception throughout the swamp?
Sure I have done from Foster to Floyds and others have done trips from the other side. SInce you have to call for your permit anyway from 7-10 am M-F ask them for current conditions. https://www.fws.gov/nwrs/threecolumn.aspx?id=2147596412
In Jan 2018 myself and 4 others went east to west 45 miles to Stephen Foster… Trails were in decent shape with mile markers intact. Each platform was in good shape… First day there were clear and abundant signs that trail pruning was being performed. However on day 2 we had a lot of trail clearing to perform has we moved through the sea prairie.
We later surmised our hard day was in the middle of the swamp and, since port-a potty service is performed from both sides of the Park, we were on a section of trail that neither east nor west motor boat potty crews had to traverse. All that clearing we saw was most likely part of toilet service activities.
I found a small set of loping shears very useful on the trip. Cut some foam pipe insulation for the handles and they will float.