I have an old pair of Thule racks with rain-gutter feet that I bought used a couple of years ago. The problem is each pair of feet has its own locks, for which I don’t have keys, and for which I want keys, and for which I can’t seem to find replacement keys.
The code on one pair of locks is N0R, and the other is R0. Google searches point me to UK sites, which would be useful if I lived in the UK, I suppose.
How do I get replacement keys for these stupid locks? I can get a N0** lock key, but there’s no ways I can tell if it will be the same as a N0R key. I can’t seem to get any useful information about Thule R0 keys at all.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I can’t even tell what change key would work with these if I had the money to just buy new locks and keys (which I don’t). (REI is sometimes helpful with roof-rack lock problems, but lately they don’t seem to support --or just don’t care about --older equipment.)
Just a suggestions
Have you tried dropping an email directly to Thule? Do you have a local locksmith? (That might even prove more expensive than new locks, though)
master key?
You might try ordering a master key that is supposed to open ALL Thule type N and E locks (don’t know what the R would be – perhaps an overseas model?)
Just call your local Thule dealer, give them the lock numbers, and they will order you replacement keys.
Something like $9.
That’s not a master.
The key that you linked to is to remove the lock core once it is unlocked. It won’t unlock a locked rack.
Try a local shop that sells Thule racks my local ‘rack and road’ has all the keys.
Or you could just read the MIT guide to lock picking, you do need specialized tools like paper clips for high security locks like Thule.