old towne frustrations

what is the deal with old towne discovery 169 canoes? why can’t i seem to make a patch stick to my bow? i have a punch the size of a nickel and nothing but duct tape will stick. WHY?? suggestions??

Go here

Scroll down to the section on Discovery repair kit and adhesives.

It is plastic that is why.

– Last Updated: Sep-30-05 9:51 AM EST –

(or crossed linked polyethyelene to be exact)You can get it done by plastic welding or the other way is if you can find, (hardware stores used to carry them) a plastic stick that you light the end and melt the plastic and dribble it into the hole.
I fixed a pretty large crack in a Old Town Disco about ten years ago, and it is still holding good.


Prijon sells plastic rods for
melting into scratches …