OptioWP Follow Up

As you may or may not recall, I posted some time ago about my experiences with my camera crashing.

Cliff Notes: Sent to Pentax for repair, got it back and it still would lock up when I tested it with the one way I knew how to force a crash, called Pentax.

As a result of the call, I found that they didn’t do any repairs when in their custody as it passed all the diagnostic tests. The technician walked me through some diagnostics over the phone and was able to identify a possible trigger for the crashing. He suggested that I download and install new firmware and see if that helped. I just installed it and it seems to have helped as I cannot “force” it to crash now. I have not really used the camera since the update and will post again if I’m still having problems. For now, I’ll consider it to be tentatively fixed. I will not recommend this camera until I am sure it is operating properly.

Those of you that own this camera and are having crashing problems may want to try updating your firmware as well. The update is located at: http://www.pentaximaging.com/customer_care/show_firmware?firmId=6442215

Good luck and happy Paddling

3hrTour (Whos boats haven’t seen water in nearly two months…)

thanks for the update!

I’ll try it, as my Optio has been a schizo PITA. it works fine for a while then crashes at the most inopportune times!


How did you force it to crash?
We’ve had our WP since last May and I just checked that we’ve taken over 3000 photos without a crash. However, I can’t help but wonder when it’s going to happen given all the people reporting it here.

I would like to see if I can force ours to crash. If I can, I’ll try the new firmware. Otherwise, I’ll happily leave it as it is.

I abuse the heck out of this camera paddling and it has held up really well other than a couple scratches. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to start missing photo ops due to crashes.


If it ain’t broke!
I don’t know why you would want to temp fate but…

The one way I could pretty reliably make mine lock up was to select “mode” and select a pre-programed shooting mode and instead of hitting OK, hit the green button to display the description of the mode. That would usually lock it up or if it didn’t lock up would display the text incorrectly (the text would run out of the bubble). -Not really a problem when shooting but it was the only chain of events I could isolate to the cause of a crash.


No crashes here either
We’ve had an Optio WP for 9 or so months fof solid use iwth no crashes either. Interesting.


Why did you force it to crash?
And would you encounter those conditions in the field?

10 months with Optio WP
During my 10 months of paddling and a quite intensive shooting with the Pentax Optio WP, the camera crashed (or rather got frozen) three times. Each time it happend when I stored the camera in a neoprene pouch without turning it off.


they’re allergic to neoprene. The times mine has frozen has been when it is turned on and I set it on my neoprene spray deck while manuerving my kayak for a better shot.

Me too!!!
Mine has locked up when sitting on my spray deck maneuvering for a better shot—never locked up taking pictures on dry land. Strange.


Could it be the battery?
It’s obvious that the camera has software problems. But I wonder if this is caused by the draining of the battery? It was mentioned in your post about the battery being low. I know Cannon cameras have a similar problem when the battery is low the lens will not retract. Too bad there wasn’t an accurate battery meter on the camera or is there? FishHawk

Couldn’t force a crash
I emptied the camera, took a couple shots, then tried and couldn’t force a crash. I’ll leave well enough alone as far as the new software.

I still have nothing but good things to say about this camera. Took it out last weekend in falling snow on the Clinton River and it performed flawlessly. I dunk it to clear the water droplets and fire away. Only problem I had was the lanyard getting really stiff from freezing up and the usual fun of trying to operate it with neoprene gloves on.

it’s not the battery
It wasn’t the battery in my cases. Anyway, the lens doen’t retract in Pentax Optio WP(i).

Yep, not the battery.
I always start off with a freshly charged battery so it isn’t that. Only happens when turned on and set down on the spray deck for a jiffy.


I found out it crashed while using it
It is the only way I have IDed that consitently crashed it (I avoid doing it in the field). I just got back from a cruise (took about 200 pics) and it crashed once (believe I may have set it face down when on). I don’t intentionally crash it other than when determining if it has been fixed.

One thing I do not like about the camera when it is working correctly is that it is very sensitive to shaking. It is difficult to get crisp night shots and you have to be very careful when using the optical zoom. My 3 year old Sony Cybershot takes fine pictures under the same circumstances. The Optio will strictly be used for paddling. Hopefully Sony will make a point and shoot waterproof camera sometime (would be nice to use my existing memory sticks on the water).
