Osgood river

I just got home from a 4 day trip, while I was hoping to get some time on the Osgood river, it didn’t happen. You know, so many lakes/ponds, too little time. I know we talked about an exploritory mission in the spring to discover where the Osgood river goes. Well… did it ever happen?

If it didn’t come to pass, is there still any interest? I’d be up for a Sept. trip, but need to start plannin’.


Osgood River
Mike, I do not know what happened to that trip. If you go in Sept. I would go with you. Mike

Osgood mid section
Yea, Gordon & I took my 16 Penobscot down the mid section on April 26. It was a difficult trip requiring almost 6 hrs even in hi water. Wouldn’t even consider it otherwise & it’s been dry hereabouts. Some shorts raps, lots of alders, beaver dams, & blowdown. Carried around one 150yd section of shallows. Glad to have seen it but doubt I’ll return anytime soom. Both the upper & lower sections offer much better paddling w/ much less work

What about the
place where the river pours through a hole in the ground and vanishes? (as written in the North Flow, page 151)


it seems the expedition was a success.

Even so I’d like to get back up again in Sept. to explore something/anything, lol. Lets put something together.


"like last water from a tub"
As a former English prof. @ SLU, I think PJ was taking a bit of poetic license.In many places the river does seem to kinda disappear but it’s just branching & flowing under or around numerous obstructions. There were many places where we had to choose which small rivulet to follow. All part of the fun. Enjoy !