OT: changing out a Car Stereo

-- Last Updated: Jul-14-06 8:32 AM EST --

Has anyone used Crutchfield.com or other resource to change out their car stereo successfully? What stereo did you install? I am thinking about a JVC DVD player (with a 3.5 inch screen, I'll try to link it below) so that I can play my DVD music video collection on the road.


Don;t fret, I won't watch it (and my state has not vigorously enforced laws about video in the sight of a driver--and I can turn off the video image anyhow), I simply wish to hear the tunes while I drive. This will replace the Delco stock unit in my GMC Express conversion van. I checked with the "fit chart" (sort of like a sprayskirt) and it fits my vehicle) Doeable? Asking for trouble?

I will also be buying new speakers to replace my current speakers, but they seem to have access by screws over grill...all except the pair that is built into the door panel in the front; I fear buggering up my door panel in a big way if I screw up the taking off/putting on of it all.

I won;t be buying and installing a subwoofer or amplifier just yet; first see how many smiles per mile this little upgrade will get me without the complicated stuff.

So, in essence, I fear change. Or better said, the process of change. Anyone do this with success, or will I wind up with a broken plastic dashboard, loose wires, and door panels that rattle like a snake in the desert?

Advice? Thanks

Everything is doable.
Don’t let the door panels scare you. You pop the clips out of the metal part of the door after you take off all the handles that stick through it. Also check for any screws, some door panels have quite a few screws holding them to the door also. Being a GM product you take any clips that don’t survive to the parts store and get new ones. Most GM clips can be bought at a Napa type parts dealer. The biggest causes of rattling door panels is when people try to reuse the old clips they have broken. Some come out in good shape others give up.



– Last Updated: Jul-15-06 9:24 AM EST –

It was years ago, but I did a couple of upgrades using parts from Crutchfield and was very impressed with the quality of the documentation and the expertise of the help techs. On one installation I ran into a problem with non-standard wiring, and the tech worked it out for me in a couple of minutes.

Other things I learned:

If something doesn't want to come out, there's probably a hidden fastener.

Vacuuming out the vehicle interior first makes crawling around in the footwells a bit more pleasant.

Take your time, and use the right tools.

It feels *really* good to get in your car, see a new piece of gear cleanly installed, and think "I did that!"

I have had very good success with crutchfield. The instructions they send along with the stuff are very clear and have always been accurate in my experience- 2 car stereos and door speakers. I wouldnt hesitate using them again and trusting their directions.

hope this helps


My only problem is replacing a Suby
radio/cassette/CD unit, and now cassette tape drive units seem to be unavailable.

cassette receivers
There are still a few cassette receivers available out there. Even a few with cassette and CD. Check this one out:


Crutchfield is great.
I have used them a few times. Car stereo install is easy, they make it super simple.

dont buy from Crutchfield
If want a better price go to:


They have better stuff anyway. You can find even better prices on other sites if you look hard. I have bought a few thousand dollars worth of stuff from these guys and never had any problems.

Not just price
In my experience, Crutchfield provides much better support and documentation than some the places with lower prices. For a first-time installer it might be a good tradeoff.

Advice is good
I bought a Blau for a 240SX some years ago and was having trouble with the factory amplified door speakers (bypass) and they talked me thru it on the phone, it wasn’t my first car stereo install, so I kind of knew what I was doing which made the tech support call easier. But I couldn’t have done it without them.