OT Loon 138 Accessory Deck

Has anyone ever used such a thing on their Loon? Every time I’m out I keep thinking it’d be nice to have so I could see my GPS or map, etc. It looks like it’d attach to existing screw holes primarily.


I checked them out for my Loon 138
I didn’t like the idea of the rivets/screws and it seemed smaller than what I wanted. I bought the Wilderness half skirt made for the Pungo. Fits good. I didn’t want a work deck as much as leg coverage. I am very happy with it.

WS Large Mini
Ok, thanks for the idea. I checked that out on their site and I think I like the idea of the pockets and holder better. I wonder why OT didn’t make theirs just wrap around like the WS. Seems easier.

Good question
When I was inquiring about it, the deck was not an accessory. It was standard equipment on the Predator series. (camo loons) Maybe that’s why.

Had One, Needs to Be Modified
The rear straps could cause entrapment in a capsize, so I attached velcro to the kayak and sewed velcro on the rear work deck straps so it would tear away. From someone who had one, it was NOT a very good design. WW