OT + , Open Carry in SC

I wish this was about paddling but I find it disturbing .

SC just passed a law that allows Open Carry with no training or CWP required and the minimum age is 18.
To be fair they increased the penalties for several illegal firearm uses . I’m sure that discouraged the bad guys. The people who are discouraged are law enforcement. Another step toward becoming a 3rd world state.
Many other states have done the same.


We probably have 180 degree different views of the 2nd Amendment.

It is great that SC supports the 2A. That being said, only an idiot would Open Carry in a public location if not a member of law enforcement/security force. The primary deterent to criminals (at least in my opinion) is for the unknown concealed carry person to surprise the criminal with the impact of multiple rounds while protecting the innocent.


The law that was just passed is not about open carry. It is about permitless carry. South Carolina has had open carry already. The requirement for a concealed weapon permit is eliminated. I too would never open carry but I am on the same side of the 2A fence as kayakhank.


To those of you who carry, open or concealed, how many times and under what circumstances did you having a weapon prevent a crime or protect life or property? Earlier this week a local 6 year old died from a GSW to the head. Local PD is slow in revealing details of how this tragedy occurred.

Not going to take the bait.
This thread is going to go downhill fast.


Other then my time in military service I have done so 2 times. I have also seen it done 1 other time by someone else. So 3 times in 69 years.

Other then my time in the military I have always lived in the Western USA but not in the communist-leaning coastal states. ALL the states I live in or have lived in have open carry, and a few have “constitutional carry” (Note how the libs “regulated” the highest law of the land to a point the states had to pass laws to make the law the law again. ) And all the states I have lived in as a civilian have lower violent crime rates then those coastal states where most people are disarmed.

A right is not the same as a privilege. It’s a Bill of Rights, not a bill of privileges. Rights come for God, not from government. In the 1st week of law school it’s made clear that privilege’s can be rescinded or revoked but rights can only be surrendered willfully. Any act that deprives a person of rights without that persons consent is a crime. Those that do not believe in God have a hard time with the concept.


I don’t see what your last 2 sentences have anything to do with your first sentence. Especially since you have no idea how the tragedy occurred. But to answer your first question I never have and hope I never do. But I want to be able to should circumstances require. And I have a right to be able to.


Trying to bring Bicker and Banter back?


You must be incredibly bored despite being in a mild climate near plenty of water.

Drop a line to see what dregs resurface over and over again or GO PADDLING instead?


I’m guilty of that. The responses were predictable before I wrote it.
Something I didn’t know was that open carry has been legal here for a couple of years if you had a CWP.
The veteran cop I talked to said he thinks there will be no noticeable change in what he sees daily.

A very conservative friend of mine surprised me once. He said he was shocked that a woman in his conceal carry class passed because she did so poorly handling / shooting the gun.

She has the right!
She’s incompetent!
She has the right!
She’s incompetent!

This could go on forever.

Some years back my son was going on and on about the 2nd Amendment. I asked him if retarded children should have access to rocket launchers. He gave me a ‘deer in the headlights’ look.

So you DO believe there should be some rules.

Now then. Let’s talk about abortion and religion and politics shall we?


I’m guilty of that. The responses were predictable before I wrote it.

So, the only purpose of your post was to stir the pot and divide the members here into different camps. We’re here because we’re paddlers and you didn’t even attempt to make it about paddling, which is sad. Since this is ‘paddling.com’ and not ‘firearms.com’, let’s focus on what we have in common. The paddling community is small enough, let’s not shrink it further by being divisive.


And left Twix or right Twix, and to-may-toes or to-mah-toes!

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Some of the inflammatory assumptions and accusations that get a pass in here would result in moderators deleting those posts, closing the thread, or banning those posters—if they were made on a gun forum. They have stricter rules about such volatile posts and posters.

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Litters are fun and a lot of work. One puppy keeps me and her step sister occupied.

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I live in Nevada. We have a lot of freedom in the this state. When I see people in a store carrying open, I leave. It is mostly people from California that come over here and make a big deal out of it.


You beat me to it…I was wondering the same.