

This post contains references to Tilly Endurables hats. If the mention of a Tilly sends you into an uncontrollable posting rage, read no further!

My old Tilley, in “natural” color had several ugly brown sweat stains in the crown and at the seam between the crown and brim. These would not come out even with repeated washings and pre-soaks. On a whim I tried Oxyclean (yeah, the stuff advertized on TV) and made a thin paste which I scrubbed into the fabric with an old toothbrush. Let it soak for an hour, and darned if about 90% of the stains didn’t come out!

I’m sure that the stains were the reason that all the hot boater chicks have been avoiding me. Look out world!


Oxyclean uses peroxide to clean
and that is good stuff! I’ll keep my wife at home now!

The stains
are the only things that makes wearing our Tilley’s acceptable. You could always claim to be an elephant trainer.


The hat still looks "seasoned"
just not distasteful.

And not everyone knows the elephant story!


You’re Too Sexy For Your Hat