Ozark Spring Rendezvous 2023

I have seen the upper Buffalo from Ponca down to Carver a bunch. But I have never seen the middle or lower Buffalo. I am considering a 3 day, 2 night downriver trip from say Carver to Gilbert before the Rendezvous dates, putting in perhaps on Sunday May 7th.

I would probably arrange a shuttle with Buffalo Camping and Canoeing at the Gilbert General Store which has a private parking area for vehicles. I would have a vehicle capable of carrying two canoes or my canoe and a kayak. Shuttle cost would be $100 which could be shared with another person if anyone chooses to join me.

As always on the Buffalo, this depends on suitable water levels although the water level on this section of river tends to be more predictable than on the upper. If anyone is interested in joining me for such a trip, send me a PM.

I plan to paddle Tuesday-Thursday. See you on the river.

I’m taking off Monday through Friday but I don’t know what day I’ll be arriving (likely late Sunday or sometime Monday). I’m thinking of bringing a couple boats along but will most likely stick to the Dagger Solo canoe. Once I figure out my plans I’ll see if we can make arrangements to paddle together @anon64780766

It seems life has thrown me a curve ball and a scheduling conflict has arisen that is going to prevent me from getting to the Buffalo River area as early as I had hoped. Believe it or not, this conflict involves me being committed to giving people rides on an M4 A4 medium “Sherman” tank.

That will not allow me to do a multiple day downriver trip on the middle Buffalo as I had hoped. I do hope to be arriving at Ozark Campground late on Monday May 8th so it might be possible to do a day trip on the middle Buffalo if other early arrivees wish to work that out.

And If anyone still wants to do a trip on Sunday let me know.

I’m thinking I may arrive Ozark on Sunday, so could be available for a paddle and shuttle on Monday.

I hope to arrive late the 8th (Monday), and be ready to paddle up to 5 day trips. Ponca to Gilbert is 5-6 days dependong on… shorter trips would also be appealing. Room on thr Jeep for 2 boats. Will shuttle. See ya there. - Snarv.

I am probably not going to able to attend now. The wife is flying to California on Saturday and will be gone for a week. I will have to stay home and watch the dogs. Maybe I can attend the Fall event.

Bring the dogs.

Got to looking at the weather forecast for next week, calling for high 70’s with chances of rain most days. Looking forwards to seeing you all out there.

Edit: I’ll be arriving Sunday now.

Change of plans. Contractors coming today to put up abuilding on my property, and another man repairing dry rot on my rental. Hope to make it toward the end of the week - maybe. And NO Barney, I’m not bringing the contractors.

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Just an FYI to the early arrivals that I told I would be arriving tomorrow, Monday 5/8. Due to circumstances beyond my control that involve mechanical issues with an 80+ year old Sherman tank, I will not be able to load up today as planned and drive down tomorrow.

I hope to arrive at Ozark Campground sometime later on Tuesday May 9th.

This is, without a doubt, the oddest reason for missing paddling I’ve ever heard. I look forward to hearing more about it when you do arrive. My father drove one of those to the battle of the bulge, so there’s a bit of personal interest… See y’all on Tuesday.


I arrived yesterday. Currently camped out over at Site 9 on the northeast end. If you see a white Nissan Frontier with an off white Dagger canoe on the roof, feel free to come say howdy.

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Hey All,
I obviously didn’t make it and am still covered up with work. Reply with all the adventures you had so I can feel sooo bad. See you in the fall. - Snarv.

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Hi all, had a great time hanging out and paddling with everyone. I uploaded a few photos and videos to a google album, feel free to add yours. https://photos.app.goo.gl/miE8cCD9P4a2EHDU7


This from FB. Low Gap Cafe

Valued Customers,

It’s our pleasure to announce we are expanding our business and relocating to JASPER!

We are extremely excited about the move and new location, which will provide a larger kitchen and dining area, allowing us to better accommodate our customers.

We want to thank all of our wonderful customers, who over the years have become like family to us!

We have had a nice ride with you all, but better things are to come. We will continue to keep everyone updated as to the progress and opening of our new location. God Bless you all for the wonderful years at Low Gap and we look forward to you all becoming a part of our new experience in Jasper!

-Café Owners-


Here is a link to my pics, enjoy! Had an awesome time, looking forward to Fall Rendezvous on the Current.


Got distracted by life and hobbies. Here’s the photos I took during the Rendezvous. Thanks again to everyone for welcoming me into the group and showing me the ropes. Had a great time and hope to see you in the future.


great pictures, thanks for sharing

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