This is in response to a thread started by JB56 regarding the future for P&H / Pyranha
A quick recap:
In 2006…
P&H unveiled the Capella 161 and Quest LV
Venture unveiled the Skye…
Pyranha released the Burn in several sizes
In 2007…
P&H is unveiling the Cetus & Cetus LV
Venture is releasing the Ayre (composite sky) and Kyle (composite Easky), and Pyranha is set to release the Speeder (multi-sport/fitness), the Ammo, and the Recoil, along with a whole new outfitting system.
It’s true that the P&H website needs updating… Of course, that may be because the P&H/Pyranha team have been busy doing what a kayak company should be doing…building boats and paddling!
Maybe once spring orders are out the boys will have as much time as we do to piddle around on the computer…
New Flat water stuff just checking out
seems they have 2 new flatwater racing/fitness boats in composite as well - the “pulse”.
its good to see them focus on something else other than more boats under 12’ -
doesn’t look like much is slowing down - rather developement and boats like the cetus bringing fresh new ideas - vs. a continuation of whats already been done. The hulls are definitely different in the last 2 years -