- Does any one know if the Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Wilkes-Barre is able to be paddled in both directions, (against the current) ?
- If yes, is it a good paddling destination, or is it another one of those major polluted rivers?
3.I was also wondering about Lake Wallenpaupack?
Is that a good paddling spot, or would it be over run with Lake Lice?
We are heading up route 81 to Boston in August and are looking for a good couple of days of paddling layover on the way up and back.
Also if you have a favorite lake or river, I would like to hear about it also. Not white water though, since we will have our kevlar touring yaks.
Thanks in advance,
Rt 81 doesn’t go to Boston
But anyway, if traveling from PA to Boston you must at some point cross the Hudson river. The Hudson is tidal all the way up to Albany, so you can time it right to go with the current both ways.
Right sort of
77 - 81 - 90 gets one to Boston
77 - 81 - 84 - 90 will get one to Beantown
77 - 81 - 80 - 95 with a stop at NYC
77 - 81 - 84 - 87 north (with a stop at exit 20 overnight at http://www.saugertieslighthouse.com ) Hudson River Paddle - 87 north - 90 Boston
The last would be the preferred route if I were making the trip. Though I'm a little prejudiced towards paddling the Hudson River at Saugerties. See the link in my profile.
lake wally
nice lake, 16 miles long, 52 miles shoreline, paddling??? maybe during the week, weekends stay off to many city people & they will run you down. by ledgedale you can paddle up the river a few miles, haven’t done that in years. its a nice lake in the spring & fall. susky at w/b can’t help with but i don’t think is all that pretty. have fun.
10 -15 miles east of Wally on rt.6 is lake shaholla,farely large, State forrest or game lands.Electric motor or paddle only.Eagle nests.Beavers.Ospre.Pickrel.Bass.Perch.Maybe not an all day lake but great for half the day.I believe you can find out more on www.dcnr.state.pa.us
Hope this helps
its spelled shohola lake, very nice not crowded, nice boat ramp & only a few miles off 84 on route 6. that would be better. than you could drive to the town of shohola, cross delaware river to berryville,ny & go south on route 97 along the river. very nice through the hawks nest and will put you back on 84 at port jervis ny.
Better paddling above Wilkes-Barre
the section between Sayre and Towanda upstream from Scranton is the prettiest. It is the area where Currier and Ives painted their period works of people and the countryside. Nice rolling hills, well kept farms, and some cliffs along the river. Good access points every five miles or so. You need a Fish Commission permit or PA Parks permit to use the various Fish Commission maintained launch sites. Few power boats, mostly open fishing boats from 12-16’ wlth small trolling motors.
Lake Wallenpaupack is a zoo on weekends and nearly so on the weekdays. Biggest lake in northeast PA and ringed with cottages, motels, resorts. Way too many big powerboats and waterskiers. Only lake in NE PA that is crazier is Harvey’s Lake.
Way back in my college days i worked for the PA Fish Commission as a photographer in the summers, and had to spend time on all the major fishing and boating lakes. Lots of Bikinied beauties on boats, but not much solitude or calm water. As big a fisherman as my dad is, he won’t go to Wallenpaupack except when its iced over.
There are a bunch of small lakes in the extreme NE counties that are off limites to motorized boats and offer nice paddling and fishing. Will not name them here, 20 people on any one of them would be a crowd.
Now a pitch for my locality, come on up I-81 to Binghamton, go west on NY 17 to Owego, north on Rt 96 to Ithaca and take your pick of any of the Finger Lakes or their outlets into the Erie Canal and Lake Ontario. From their you can go east on the NY Thruway -I-90 to Boston.
And as duty to the Baldpaddler, I will be glad to play tourguide and host. So much water, and such a short season here.
If you want to go from here…
…to there, you use I-81 or have I been doing it wrong for the past thirty years?
Thanks on the Hudson heads up though.
Thanks Bill
One of these days we want to head your direction.
From everything that I have heard, it sounds like God’s Land, but it would be just too much of a detour on this trip.
As a matter of fact the price of gas has jumped so much just since I first posted this, we are having second thoughts about the trip.
We were going to take our travel trailer, but pulling it I only get 9 MPG, so we might just forget the trailer, and overnight in a motel, or not even take the trip.
Have Kin in PA. MD. and VA
My Dad and Stepmom faced the rising cost of gas and RV parking and finally decided the motel route was as cheap a way to go. Setting up the motorhome in a campsite tied them to the site, no side trips without a second vehicle towed along. The trailer sucked the gas mileage of the truck down too much, and with the senior citizen and AAA discounts at the motels, Dad has more time now to sightsee.
Can get you and Nanci put up in Richfield, Pa. and its between the Juniata and Susquehanna rivers. Dad knows all the Fish Commission Access areas, He and the Stepmom are both retirees from the Fish Commission. They enjoy good company and Charlie rates you two with Hugh Hefner and Mother Theresa.
It would be a shame to see you have to cancel such a special trip due to the rising pump prices, which are in the $2.09/gal range here in Rochester and up in the Adirondacks.
Hugh Hefner & Mother Theresa?
I remember, oh, bout darn near six months past on this paddlin’ board a particular thread where folks posted their idea/desires for fascinatin’ paddling company. Can’t say I recall the whole list, but I’d venture to guess nobody then posted up such a dynamic duo as you’ve just conjured. Now I’m not exactly certain what reparte’ will be dartin’ betwixt those bow and stern occupants as I paddle amidships, but I’ve gotta hunch Mother T, assuming she’ll make an otherwordly appearance (and I don’t see why not, what with Mother Mary needin’ a break from all those blessed grotto appearances she’s puttin’ in over the decades), will have a thing or two to comment upon to the smarmy-smiled smoking-jacketed smoothie of smut. But at least Mother T will pity the fool.
As for me, I just want to ask Hugh what was he thinkin’ when he commissioned Leroy Neiman to paint those commerative posters of Playboy Mansion parties? He may as well have payed Jackson Pollack’s ghost to drip the fixins from 5,000 hot dogs onto Hieronymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights triptych. Now there’s a way to go and mess up the heavenly forms appearing in Hugh’s grotto.