Padded J-hooks vs straps

Suspenz says their deluxe racks, which hold the kayak in straps, are better than their J-racks, which are padded “jays”. Are straps really that much better?

J racks are a pita imo. I prefer cradles.


I’m actually talking about storage racks, not transport racks.

Ok. In either case, I prefer to slide the boat in place instead of lifting it over.

I think they may distribute weight better. I have the older wood ones with straps, I like them. They load upright on mine. Talic racks, not sure they make them anymore.

Either one works just fine for storage if properly padded and positioned. If you have wide boats J-racks take up less floor space, but often you can store fewer boats on a wall.

I’ll have a freestanding rack, but I’d like to save a few dollars by getting padded Jays rather than the straps.