I’m looking at recreation paddling in still or slow water, and interested mostly in comfort of the paddle and motion. Speed, efficiency, etc are low priorities.
I’m 6’1", 150lb, and plan on mostly indian style kneeling, and sitting in this…
Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame Sport
10’5" 32" wide 26lbs inflatable w/ metal bow and stern
Which is more accurate:
-The 225-240 telescoping range will be needed, seeing as I’ll be kneeling sometimes and sitting sometimes.
-Seeing as I’m 6’1" and the kayak width is 32", anything shorter than 240cm would be too short regardless of how I sit/kneel.
The length of double blade that "works"
is affected also by the working length of the blades.
I think that under 240 might feel OK at your height, when you’re sitting and paddling low angle. When you’re kneeling, a somewhat longer paddle and higher angle paddling style would be ideal.
However, unless you kneel like a 3 year old or a native american, I wonder if you’ll be kneeling that long. And I wonder if you will want any outfitting to make kneeling work for you. I say this as a long time kneeling c-1 paddler.
If you kneel only for short periods, for relief or variety, you can probably make do with the same length paddle that works for sitting.
price range, and kneeling position
I have a 20% discount coupon from austin kayak, so I’d like to use that leverage to get a nicer-comfort paddle with my limited funds. I’m looking for a paddle less than $100, and preferably less as long as the comfort and length is good.
At austin kayak’s range of paddles, I narrowed down to the Bending Branches Glide Glass Plus (Plus= telescoping). Or the Bending Branches Sunrise GS (240).
What I focused on was: fiberglass (nicer feel than cold hollow alum), ovalized shaft, and 2 piece (more than 2pc is okay as long as not wiggley).
The B.B. Glide Glass has a composite ferrule… I don’t know if the higher model Glide Glass Plus also has them (not mentioned if they do or don’t).
How are composite ferrules for non-wiggley?
For kneeling, I kneel canoe indian style, with the top of my foot flush on the ground, so toe-to-knee is a straight line.
At home, it is definitely the most comfortable position for my back, so I imagine it will be even more helpful while steadying and pulling on a kayak…
How have you found it, and do you ever use it with a kayak?
I kneel similarly, but in adulthood
I can’t kneel very long unless my butt is supported by a pedestal or thwart. In my slalom c-1, I set the pedestal height at 5.75 inches, but even in '76 when I got the boat, kneeling that low was NOT comfortable for any length of time.
If, as an adult, you can kneel on the tops of your feet with no pedestal for your rear end, then you are blessed. But I still don’t think you are going to be able to kneel that low for very long. You might consider trying to put a roll of firm material, such as a rolled up sleeping bag in a waterproof bag, longitudinally under your rear and between your legs. If I had to paddle your kayak routinely for a long distance, I would probably make an insert with a wide, firm base and a minicell pedestal for kneeling.
Eric, please check out my original
The plastic versions out there are inferior copys of this.
Do I have this right? You are over 6 ft tall and want to paddle a 10 ft inflatable kayak while kneeling and do overnight camping out of the same boat.
Sorry, but there is no way I can see that working for more than 15 minutes. If nothing else there is the matter of butt support - the cross members in a canoe provide that while kneeling. A kayak has no such feature. And at the height and weight you list, you have to be pretty thin. I am thinking bony knees that won't like kneeling for long even with lots of padding. And that pressure on the top of your foot is more difficult to handle over time than most newbies realize. It's that as much as anything else that sends people to a seated position for a break.
If you give some info on where you are, people here can probably point out demo days and such where you could try boats out before you expend bucks on this theory. At the least, if you do get this boat make sure you can sit in it.
He’s got a whole string of other posts and is in for a big shock the first time he actually goes paddling. I want to hear about the first time he paddles effortlessly upstream back to the put-in.
Before you go that route, try out the boat you are looking at and ask yourself if it is really going to work for you. My brother had an inflatible and if you are going to pack it in somewhere or absolutely cannot carry a hard shell kayak on a car, the inflatable will work in a pinch.
But other than that if you want to actually get anywhere or carry gear, a hard shell is the way to go. Quite frankly, I hated the inflatible.
Kneeling in an inflatable
I have not tried that particular inflatable, but kneeling "indian style" or should I say "Japanese style" -;) on a potentially deep soft surface can be quite painful. Basically, you may over-extend since your ankels may sink deep into the soft "pool-toy" bottom while your toes may stick-up higher... Adding some support under your bottom may help considerably.
Also, I am not sure how rigid this inflatable is. Poking your knees down in a soft-shell inflatable may distort it enough to affect how it paddles. No idea. I do kneel on my inflatable SUP board but that is very rigid as it inflates to over 12PSI - yours will be probably inflated to may be 0.5PSI. Comparing the stiffness of your inflatable to a proper inflatable SUP with a quality drop-stitched construction is like comparing a beach ball to a car tire, basically...
As for the paddle, if you are higher-up I think you need a shorter paddle, not longer since you will be able to reach the water with a more vertical stroke than when sitting down. Or it may be the opposite, or it may not matter at all! All depends on how high the sides are relative to your own height and you can't really tell until you actually paddle the specific boat in both positions...
paddle length
I could see that… being up higher will allow a more vertical stroke, so a shorter paddle would fit better.
Every sizing chart I have seen suggests that for 6’1" and a 32" wide kayak, and 240cm size is right.
So the telescoping would handle that, as well as the shorter length for when I’m sitting higher.
The seating has a few options. Pads or towels can be used easily, and this kayak has a separate 6psi drop stitched floor available… in case a firmer surface is needed. ‘japanese style’ is much better term, nice.
The seat space and opening is enough to kneel japanese style, canoe style, or sit kayak style, and there’s enough space to switch while on the water.
A hard shell is not an option for me right now (cost, storage, transportation), nor are more expensive inflatables.
For the paddling effort required, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq7fu66qxm8 shows how easily this kayak can be paddled on a lake.
Seeing that, it seems that it can also paddle against a slow 1-2mph current.
From the reviews of this kayak on REI, it can do 3mph average or 6mph on a sprint.
You’ll be fine
For easy waters and your intended use I think this should work just fine with your 240cm paddle. Getting the little skeg on the back bottom would be very good I think (if it is not a standard accessory). Without it it may be a little too maneuverable -;).
I personally would get tired of inflating/deflating if I were to paddle more than once a week or so. Strapping it on the roof of a car inflated may be an option if you paddle more often and don’t drive too fast…
roof-top carrying inflatable kayak
It can take as little as 5 minutes to inflate this specific kayak, at a steady but casual pace.
However, if it is possible to carry it inflated on top of the car, that would be best all around.
I was looking around for any advice or information on how to do this.
The kayak does have a handle at either end, they look good for tying the bow and stern down.