Paddle design nuances

Here is a link to an article I put together about my quest to find my perfect paddle(s):

Very nice. I look forward to seeing
GPs triumph in the Olympics.

If they add stealthy seal hunting in kayaks to the Olympics, then you will no doubt get your wish.

How about a summer equivalent of bi-
athlon, SUP racing followed by stopping at stations and shooting helpless targets?

Much as I
look forward to a wing paddle winning the Greenland rolling championships.

funny you should mention that
at the Traditional Paddling Gathering in MN we do that annually with Styrofoam “seals”

Paddle design nuances
Nice write up…




– Last Updated: Jul-11-14 3:51 PM EST –

Fixin' ta brace and roll with my Lumpy (ginger style) right now.
