Paddle for the Cure? - Beacon, NY

I know a few doing this tomorrow. Any P-Netters?

Last year probably close to 150+ paddlers of all sorts.

Poker run style trip, if you want it to be a bit competitive. My card hands usually leave a lot to be desired.

Photos and gps will be up and running on

If you’re going I’ll be obvious with the logo’d Cetus MV and a sail. Should have an 8mph breeze out of the north.

See you on the water,


The River Connection, Inc.

Hyde Park, NY

Did you sail?
I didn’t see you after the launch.

Wind was Great!
Just not during the event. I finished with picking up my wildcard 1hr.13min., with some slow downs to chat with some of the HRWA organizers I had brought some lendal paddles to test out for the day.

Enough of a breeze once I landed to head back up to Little Stony Point tacking against the wind.

Later in the evening I had some folks out of Hyde Park and was wishing I had made it a sail outing as the winds were solidly 8mph against the current. Should have made splashy fun.

See you on the water,


The River Connection, Inc.

Hyde Park, NY