What is the largest person you would recommend for a Delta 12S ?
What is the largest person you would recommend for a Delta 12S ?
The Delta web site says max capacity is 220 lbs. This weight should take into account everything carried, clothing worn, etc., along with paddler weight.
Optimal capacity is not listed, but often is quite a bit below max.
I have all of the official recommendations but I have gotten such a wide variety of recommendations from dealers I have talked to I wanted to see what other people might think to see what it lines up with. I mean it is all over the map.
How much credence do you put into the 70% rule?
what is mjac height, weight, inseam?
About 6’, 185, Built like a Greek God, 32”;inseam
You might be a little larger than optimal, but it might posdibly work.
That is what I am talking about, “Patrick” at Northwest Outdoor Center in Seattle, supposed to be an instructor , says he is 6’ 200 pounds and the boat fits him just fine, a little tight but that is how he likes it and paddles well. He said the 12S makes a fun play boat but he would rather be in the 12.10 on. loner trip for comfort sake and in rough water. So I set my sights on the 12S because thatbis all I want a fun play boat. Then I talked to a couple of people on the Delta Kayak Owners Group and the put it like this, especially one guy, you ate going to give up optimum performance, have a higher waterline, lose ability to handle rough water for a “ perceived” slight advantage in maneuverability. So I changed my mind and see the 12.10 as the more solid , versatile boat. How I am going to fit it in the van, I dont know.
Compare it to the 120 Tsunami, which is 12’ x 25.5" wide with a max capacity is 275. The 125 Tsunami is 12’ 9" x 26" wide with a max capacity of 300 lbs. So the 12S Delta at 12’ x 24" wide is probably the max capacity. I paddled the 125 Tsunami at 255 lbs, but no doubt overloaded it.
Agree with Northwest Outdoor Center. I have t used the 125 in 10 years. Highee waves from the rear quarter would slap me in the kidneys. I switched to the 145 still overloaded that 350 lb max cap slightly. Then I went to the 175, and it waa much more forgiving in open water. Since losing 35 lbs, the 145 Tsunami is a much better weight balance. In calm water, it’s my favorite boat. I think the 175 (400 lbs max cap) handled better when I was at 255 lbs and might need more balast now.