heres a link for a The Stearns® Performance kayak paddle. has any one used this one before? it doesnt state what the blade is made of. major concern for me. im just starting out but im not wanting a paddle thats going to give out in 6 mnths either. thanks…
There have to be places to look at paddles in Charlston. Go to a few kayak stores and look at a few paddles. Go to Sports Authority and look at this paddle.
In my opinion, it's too cheap ($60) to be a great paddle. The big problem will be weight. It will probably last a long time. I'm guessing that the shaft is aluminum. We don't know the length or the feathering.
As a rough guide, good paddles start at about $120. You can spend much more but you don't need to.
Check out a wooden Bending Branches paddle.
Also, what kind of boat are you paddling and how often do you paddle.
more info
i only paddle maybe 6 times a yr. theres about 9 of us that take 3 day trips either in SC, NC, or Fl. i have victory class 12 boat. im not that serious into it just having some fun. but im wanting a paddle thats going to last
I Was Going
to point out that the paddle that you are interested in is pretty long and pretty heavy. At 95 inches it is 241cm and at 2lbs 12oz it is heavy.
However, you added a second post and told us that you are really only interested in longevity and will use it only a couple of times a year. With your clairification my observations may not matter.
In terms of longevity I’d imagine that it might be more rugged than some of the high tech paddles used by many on this board.
Happy Paddling,
It should be adequate.
Unless you are trying to cut firewood with the thing, it should be adequate for paddling. The simple fact is, a $60.00 paddle is not the same as one that is a $100 more. PVC/aluminum versus Carbon Fiber or Fiber Glass construction means more weight and less durability.
I buy the inexpensive paddles for my kids who do consider chopping firewood with it and do not treat paddles nicely. Carlisle makes quality inexpensive paddles that can even be cheaper than the one you are looking at.
Personally, if you are serious about durability, I would go with a bottom line Werner and check eBay to see if you can find a deal. They make stellar paddles out of the best materials.
The extra info helps.
I'd still suggest looking at some other paddles. You don't need to go crazy and look at (or buy) a $400 paddle. Go to a kayak store and see what they suggest. There's a "magic" point at about $100 between nice paddles and not so nice paddles.
Go look at them!
If you are reasonably careful, a good quality paddle will last a long time.
Heck, with a better paddle, you might even go out more.
Check out Mohawk
If durability is the most important I’d check out Mohawk paddles made by Mohawk canoe. These paddles are much more durable than the Carlise brand. Inexpensive paddles are all heavier than top of the line paddles, but the mohawk is the strongest paddle I’m aware of and it is about the same weight as other inexpensive brands.
for the same money
you can get an Aquabound Flair.
I know nothing about this model, but I have two Aquabound paddles that I am happy with.
For another 20 bucks you can get an Aquabound Sting Ray aluminum shaft/plactic blade. This is the renamed Seaclude, which is one of the paddles that I have. It is a bit on the heavy side, but is bullet proof, does not flutter and is generally a pretty good paddle.
Classic 12
that was my first boat. If you ever are wanting to sell it REALLY cheap, I would like it…but i am really cheap (That is why I got that boat to start with).
Anyways, I think you could get about any paddle and make that barge of a boat go straight. I had a pretty cheap paddle, but in retrospect a nice bendig branches would have been better in the long run. You can probably find an “impressions” model on sale for about $80 or so.
just what ever you think your budget is, add 50%. that should be a pretty good starter.