Paddling Faraway...

I have ambitions, but I’ve come across a problem.

The ambition(s):

-Kayak the intercoastal waterway

-Kayak from Montreal to Quebec City.

Common issue:

Well, I live in Ohio. With any large trip, one cannot kayak the whole thing and leave behind the car, thus stranded 100’s of miles away (Or in Montreal’s trek to Quebec case, 165 miles?).

I called Amtrac, the railway, to see if they would allow me to check in a kayak as baggage, but they said it would not fit, with the exception of trains out west, like California, because they accommodate surf boards.

Without a credit card, and being under 21, will prohibit me from renting a rental to Canada.

There is no set date for this trip, because everything is in the works, and the Intercoastal waterway is on the back burner-- maybe for three years… But when planning this, I’ve got to get the kayak to Montreal. And I don’t want to paddle it from Cleveland to Montreal… And then I’d have to paddle home?

There must be a better way. How does one get the kayak to the starting point?

Folding Kayak
or a sectional.

The Kindness of Strangers
I would bet that with a little effort you could find someone or a couple of people in paddling clubs along the route who would volunteer to shuttle you and your kayak back to your starting point. You might need to get a little creative with letter writing to clubs, building a website about the trip, or even joining one or two clubs as a long distance member to get the help you need. Be sure to offer to pick up the gas and food costs. If it is a really long distance you might need to arrange one of those relay shuttles like they use to transport rescued dogs across the country to new owners. Heck, you might even get a free homecooked meal out of the deal.

I drove about 50 miles roundtrip to pick up a couple of paddlers on the coast and bring them into town for a little luxury in the midst of their trip around the Gulf of Mexico. They had been camping out on barrier islands for about 2 weeks. I would gladly shuttled them farther if they needed it.


Take the train
The last time I checked you could put a canoe/kayak on a baggage car at the Canadian Rail Road station in Ste St Marie. Take the train to Montreal or Quebec. How you get from the station to the water…well that is another problem.

1) Drive to starting point. Find boat club, friendly neighbor, store, or other safe spot where you can leave your boat and bulky gear.

2) Drive to finish point. Park Car.

3) Take train, bus, whatever to starting point.

4) Paddle to finish point.
