Paddling fuel or emergency rations

My normal is a PB&J and water. The Moon Pie is post paddle as-needed. On hot days a Coke is great because Moon Pies can be a dry mouth full.

According to Wikipedia it’s traditional in the south to drink an RC Cola with your Moon Pie.

Probably written by a Yankee.

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You also put a pack of Lance salted peanuts in Cokes.

You who?
I used to see other kids doing it, but not me.

That was a generic you. Not everything is about you. :laughing: I wasn’t a fan of that ether but lots of folks were.

They used ether when I had my tonsils out 70 years ago. I’m not a fan of ether either.
And there is more winter ahead.

I LOVE these for Emergency rations! Banana ones are good as well! The little ones are more figure friendly

And some day soon people in this group will age a little, and start facing issues like Diabetes and Heart Disease this won’t be so funny.

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I like a product called Ultra Fat nut butter and also Starkist white meat chicken packets. Several of each fit nicely in a pfd pocket and all you have to do is throw in a plastic spoon.

While both heart and diabetic issues are more prevalent as we age they are avoidable or can be reduced by diet and exercise.
Eating a high calorie treat in the middle of or at the end of a good exercise
session shouldn’t damage you. That same snack while parked in front of the TV is a different story.
Then there are the genetic gotchas .

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Anyone here young so they can age? :laughing:

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Another thread mentioned Jimmy Buffet recently. Fits here too.
“If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.”

I found an unoppened Moon Pie in the truck. Somehow it escaped consumption on the last trip. It’s very beat up and crumbly.
I may keep it there in case we meet a starving paddler.

Eating a high calorie treat in the middle of or at the end of a good exercise
session shouldn’t damage you. That same snack while parked in front of the TV is a different story.<<<

Respectfully, the same food will have exactly the same impact no matter where you are and what you are doing. And also there is a difference between “high calorie” and “high calorie from sugar.” We tend to use the two interchangeably but there is a vast difference. Not all calories are created equal.


Diet and exercise can help, but it is a myth that heart disease can be avoided with those alone for a lot of people. I just had a heart attack. I was out climbing hills the week before it happened.

I was taught early by wilderness travelers and are of the school that when you make up your emergency kit, you never want to include any high calorie food item that you actually like to eat. The temptation to break into it during a routine afternoon rest stop is just too great. Then you will have nothing for a later true emergency or unplanned overnight in the woods. Always pack something high energy that you really don’t like very much. Something like your least favorite Cliff Bar for example, and wrap it in a plasrtic bag and layers of duct tape that are difficult to remove.

Hope your recovery goes well and quickly.

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Ppine, I’m aware that heart attacks can happen at any time. A friend’s dad died while telling his son that he wasn’t having one, a 46 yo friend who had just had a physical died in his sleep, and a cardiologist told me he had stopped a stress test on a patient who ran 3 miles a day and had him taken to the ER. That one made it.
My long time GP asked me to tell him about my heart murmer during my physical 2 years ago. I’ve got my 4th sonogram Wednesday to check when a replacement is needed for my worn aortic valve.
We weren’t designed to last forever.

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I was talking with the local paddling philosopher, Castoff, this morning about diet and he said " We’re gonna eat what we’re gonna eat".
We both like Honey Nut Cheerios and there is a new flavor , Oat Crunch.