Paddling Perks?

Made my money back…
Made most of my money back when I used my discount to buy a wall rack for my boat and paddle last year.

paddle perks
I just don’t understand why a membership isn’t a rolling 12 months from the date of joining instead of the fixed (2006) 12 month window which expires on 11/1. Get with the program. Maybe I’ll consider the 2007 membership when it’s offered.

Mainly the Deals
The manufacturers that offer the deals are only willing to commit to a specific period of time, thus the program can really only run during that time period. As long as you renew in November every year this really isn’t an issue anyway.

The t-shirts and other goodies are yours to keep, 12 months or longer…



I jhave the calendar. It’s quite a nice calendar, with many colourful photos. I’ve also found it works quite handily in a rain storm to keep one’s head reasonably dry.


A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.

More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have “lost”. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.




10% Discount
Just use your 10% discount in the store and scoop one up:


In case you never read it…
The last two paragraphs in the post above are from a book entitled “A Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. It was bastardized into a recent Hollywood movie (grumble grumble).

Anyway, the book is a tongue-in-cheek British SciFi/comedy novel (think- Monty Python in space). There are five books in the TRILOGY, all highly recommended!

One hoopy frood,


The best $20 I’ve ever spent
Let’s see, at last count I’ve sold 4 boats through the free want ads and purchased one the same way.

Because of P net, I’ve saved hundreds of dollars by not buying things I didn’t need and protected my health by not paddling in water that nobody else said could be unsafe.

Don;t forget the other merchandisers

I appreciate being a Perks member, having bought many DVDs, poictures frames, heck even the kayaking silver bracelet and some t-shirts from this website.

I think it to be truly genuine of the webmasters and sitemasters to give anything for the $20 or so membership… many sites, and this one could if it wanted to, just plain charge you for a membership of $20 to activate your time on-line. With no gifts or discounts.

A reminder to PPerks members that your membership also allows discounts at sponsors sites. For instance, I bought two Talic Kayak Condos and got 10% off on each via PPerks. Not too shabby when you look at all the sponsors of this site.

C ya.

Works for me
Nice T-shirt, calendar; got some great DVD’s and sold a boat within a week. Count me in again!

Yet another "Go for it"
I’ve joined for the past two years and found it well worth it. I seem to always spend lots of $ and the discounts more than pay for it, not to mention the t-shirt etc.

Me too
I signed up this year. I’d ordered gifts from P-net in the past so it was nice to get the discount when I ordered after joining. Gave the t-shirt as a little no-special-occasion gift; nice calendar too. I highly recommend joining.

Do you get 10% off
at the “Restaurant at the End of the Universe” with Paddle Perks

I like the shirt!