Paddling store in Northern VA?

Hello all,

I’m looking for a well-stocked paddling store in Northern VA. I’ve found a couple places that sell kayaks and paddles, but they’re more sporting goods type shops than real kayaking/paddling stores. They don’t, for example, carry helmets.

Anyone have any good suggestions? I was hoping for something on the VA side, but I’ll travel to MD if I have to.


Appomattox River Company

– Last Updated: Jul-01-15 12:47 AM EST –

I have dealt with these folks for years. The main store is in Farmville Va. If you call, ask for Tom. This is a paddling store, run by real paddlers. Staff is on the ball, and will help you every step along the way.

I have always dealt with the Farmville VA store. They also have a branch stores in North Richmond and Hampton VA. The drive to the Farmville store is worth the trip.

Annapolis Canoe and Kayak
ACK is worth a visit. In Annapolis, MD…

Potomac Paddlesports
Other side of the beltway in MD, but closer than ARC.

I found Potomac Paddlesports… they seem to be the closest. I’ll give them a try first.

Thanks for the replies and suggestions.