Palmer Fest Kayaking Festival

I’m looking for anyone who has ever been to this? Any good, is it worth going, what can I expect?

Any info would be appreciated.

have talked with organizers
Have not been personally, but know of others who have attended this event in the past. Mostly whitewater until this year as they have added a sea kayak element. I talked with the organizers at the Outdoor in Toronto a couple of weeks ago. They have entertainment and clinics. Looks like a well organized event ! I would attend, but will be working that weekend.

Whitewater event is very popular
The whitewater portion is well organized, well spoken of, and sells out every year. It is a very family-friendly event, and even has childcare for clinic times. The SK portion is new, but from what I hear some of the top instructors from Ontario are coming. There should be nightly entertainment.

If you are in this neck of the woods I don’t think you would be disappointed.


Palmers Rapids/Madawaska River
is a very beautiful place. Palmers is a section of the mad. with class I-III features. At the end is a big bay with a neat little whirlpool. It is about the safest place to learn white water that I know of. I go there twice a year and stay at Harold’s campground. The upper, middle, and lower madawaska are just a short drive away. Paddler’s I have talked to there seem to think highly of the Paddler’s Co-Op. I have never been to Palmerfest, but have heard it is well organized and well worth it. The scenery, Palmers Rapids, and the closeness of the mad river would make it worth going alone! At least to me…

Thanks for the feedback
Thank you all for the info. I’m pretty excited about it and am going to sign up.

See you on the water. :slight_smile: