Pamlico 100

Hi all.

Wondering if anyone has any insight on this boat, the 2005 model in particular. I’ve come across an extremely lightly used one and was curious as to the differences between the 2005 and 2006 models. I can’t seem to find a whole lot of information now that it’s all about the '06s. Should I purchase this boat, I plan on using it mainly for lakes and ponds with the occasional river, class I or II.



link :

I think the 05 and 06 pamlico 100 is basically the same. I have a Pamlico 140 and it’s a great kayak.

I saw the Pamlico 100 at Dick’s Sports

– Last Updated: Mar-18-06 8:04 AM EST –

just yesterday. It reminded me of Pamlico_140, a frequent and respected p-net contributor (and who, by happenstance, has replied to your query). I studied it pretty considerably and as an intermediate kyaker, I can comment that the seating and hatches are quite well constructed and appear comfortable (it was on the wall to I could not sit in it). Had molded plastic padded seats, and it looked like very nice set-up for a rec yak. The downside, as I saw it, was the weight. The rotomolded plastic is heavy relative to length... I think this 100 series was 10 feet and weighed about 42 lbs. A well made sea kayak, just for instance, in plastic would be 17 feet and about 56 lbs. At Dick's, the new pamlico_100 was, I think, about $300. Check (I think that's it, you may have to google), to learn more about the boat. It would be good for rivers and creeking, but is short and very wide at 30 inches (wow, that is the fattest little kayak I have ever read specs on, thanks for the link Pamlico_140)so would likely have less than ideal tracking, and the energy you;d use for paddling it would be considerable to overcome it's beam and weight. The Pamlico140 is longer. Your biggest challenge might be, like many things in life, to determine if saving some $ and getting the used Pamlico100 would serve you best over many years, or waiting and finding a new or another used plastic boat that is slightly upgraded would be a better "investment" as you would use it for many more years an not outgrow it. There are many threads on pnet struggling with this precise question. Good luck in paddling. A very wonderful female pnetter, slidesgal, (you can pnet search for something she's posted and then emial her) lives in CT and could maybe provide advice. She's a sweetie, and now I have given her name out to another female paddler and I don't think she's going to kill me yet. :) She could be a wealth of advice. Good luck and great paddling.

Pamlico 100
I owned one of these for 5 months, an '04 model. It was the basic one with the molded seat w/no padding and no rear hatch. I believe it was dropped the following year. The Phase 3 seat is better. It is very stable; my 103 lb. daughter could sit on the edge of the cockpit without tipping it. If you paddle with even strokes it’ll stay on course. It turns real well and you can spin it almost completely around with one sweep stroke. Crossing eddylines is easy with no surprises. Pamlicos are very good shallow water boats. The downside is that if capsized, it floods real quick and it just floats below the surface. There’s no getting back in it, so more flotation is necessary at both ends. Also, you’ll outgrow it real quick. Just my .02 centavos.


YEAH !!!

– Last Updated: Mar-18-06 1:22 PM EST –

no problem cooldoctor1 for the link !!! The Pamlico 140 is the longest solo kayak in the pamlico family ( and longest in rec boats of WS with pungo 140).But there is also the pamlico 120, a 12-foot pamlico, or the pungos, with different degsigns.

Really! Thanks for all of your input.

I just got back from Dick’s to check out the '06 they’ve got for $420. It sure is a wide one, but I’ll need the stability when I’ve got my 3 year old in there with me on flatwater. I’m going to look at this boat tomorrow AM to see what I think of it. I don’t know right now what kind of seat it’s got or if it’s got a hatch or not, just that it’s orange and was purchased last spring.

Thanks again, it’s truly appreciated!


It seems new

– Last Updated: Mar-18-06 6:10 PM EST –

It seems like a new boat. I was really exited when I got my Pamlico 140 .