I and a few others will be heading to Vancouver Island in just under two weeks. The logistics may work out such that we’ll need to park a car (quite likely with a kayak on top) somewhere along I-5, preferably in the Mt. Vernon/Burlington area (but even Bellingham would work). If this happens, we’d need to stash the car for about 12 days.
Anyone have an idea for a safe option? If so, feel free to shoot me a private message.
-tom a.
How about
the Haggen parking lot off I-5? Bet they’d let you if you asked. It’s huge, never full, and the store is open 24 hours. Exit 230, if memory serves.
Try Anacortes
I suggest talking to the kayak outfitter in Anacortes (can’t remember the name) - maybe they would let you park your car and boat where they keep their fleet for a fee. Or maybe even pay to park at a marina in the area - it would have to be better than leaving it fully unattended.
Don’t forget your passport
PSPN on Yahoo
Try posting on the PSPN Yahoogroup. I’m sure you’ll get lots of response.
Thanks all! We also posted to a Bellingham paddling group. We’ve received at least three offers of driveway space!
Thanks again!
-tom a.