Peace River?

I’m wondering if anyone has been on the upper Peace lately. Zolfo Springs area, maybe further north. We’ll be in the area with some inexperienced paddlers on the weekend of the 4th, we’d like to do a short trip with them. Water levels should be decent with all the rain we’ve been getting. Anyone in the area?

Bet you’ve got another peace River. Last post was 3" above normal. (Whatever normal is)

Whoa! 3’ 7" above today.

I hope it is different then it was abut ten years ago.
We were going to do a multiday canoe camping trip, and got a shuttle up to Fort Meade where we put in, with our take out at Acadia
We started paddling and were buzzed several times by an air boat. In the evening we pulled in , set up our tent and crawled into the sleeping bag. At about 2:00 Am we woke up to the sound of the air boat and then realized it stopped and we had a flood light on us. I stuck my head out the tent opening, and it took off. the rest of the night, I just cat napped as it came back and forth each time putting the flood light on us
The following morning we took off at the crack of dawn and were greeted with cows standing in the river.We had to paddle around them and the smell of the cow crap was terrible. This went on for mile after mile and we had to zig and zag around them and finally decided that the piece river was not for us. We ended up paddling like hell the rest of that day to our take out. Our four day planned trip ended up a day and a half.
That is one river we would never go back to.

Hopefully it turns out better for you.

Good luck

Jack, I remember that report.

In case anyone is interested, the trip went beautifully. We found the ramp on East Main St. in Wachulla closed for renovation. Should be large and lovely when it’s done. Went north to launch at a bridge just behind and to the north of the WalMart. Beautiful lazy paddle to Pioneer Park in Zolflo Springs. Just far enough to tire out the newbies without stressing them!