I've been kayaking whitewater for about a bazillion years and canoeing not-too-whitewater for about the same. Due to an upcoming trip opportunity, I'd like to get into a touring boat. One of the boats that seems like it might meet my requirements is the Perception Essence 17 Airalite (also good relationship with local dealer). I can find lots of user reviews for the other boats I'm considering but hardly anything on this boat. If anyone can offer an opinion, it would be appreciated. BTW..I also found a Delta 17 Sport for sale that, with shipping, would be about the same price as the Essence.
TIA Jon in SC
-- Last Updated: Feb-19-13 7:42 PM EST --
Plastic version
Can’t offer an opinion as I’ve only spent a few hours in a Delta 17 and not tried an essence but here is link to a group test with the essence in plastic.