Perception expression , when was this model range was introduced?

Apart from new colors, this range appears unchanged for the last 10 years.
Do you know when this model was introduced? and any indication how long it will remain in production (maybe perception released teaser photos of next model?)
In the world of kayak manufacture, do popular models remain in production for decades, or is it more like cars, where you have a chasis which is in use for a decade, with facelifts every 3 years ?

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Perception actually has an accessible archive on line of their kayak catalogs going from 1994 to 2018.

The Expression doesn’t appear in their “boat chronology” master list on that site. So that model can’t be more than 5 years old.

You can tell from the scores of models on that chronology list that they are pretty fickle and change models often. My 2004 composite Percpetion Avatar 16 was only made for 2 years, for example, while their ever popular Acadia 12 has endured for 17 years. But in general Confluence/Perception is probably the most “promiscuous” in this regard of swapping out and discontinuing models of any major kayak marque. You can see if you scan that chronology there were some very short-lived models. I counted 28 that were only made for one year and 35 that only lasted 2 years. I suspect that is even a worse record than most car companies.

In contrast, the legendary Valley Nordkapp sea kayak was introduced in 1975 and has been in continual production since then with some updates. They just announced production of a 40th anniversary version of the Nordkapp.

I suspect your guess is as good as anyone’s how durable the Expression might be. I’d hesitate to make any bets.

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Thanks for the link, I found the expression in the 2012 archive, so its been offered for a decade so far.

I was surprised by the amount of discontinued models you counted. All the design and tooling costs are lost each time (unless they can be reused for the next model)

I see that (the Expression in the earlier catalog). Whoever compiled the list must have missed that. Looks like they were going after the market for the very popular Wilderness Systems Tsunami line with the Expression models.

But looking at the current 2024 Perception line they only seem to make the Expression 11.5 anymore. The 14.5 and 15 are gone. Their only real touring /sea kayaks are the longer Carolinas, which (IMHO) are pretty sluggish. Their rec boat lines have reproduced like rabbits but they seem to be drifting away from touring kayaks.

I bought my expression 11.5 in 2019 wih they wouldve offered the 14.5 or 15 then. I wouldve gotten a longer one. I use it mostly rivers ialso have an old towne nantucket 14’9" iuse on lake erie and bigger waters