As of now I have only rented yaks for paddling around the Dana Point, CA harbor, and occasionally getting out into open seas to test fate. I’ve relocated to AZ and want to finally purchase a sit on top for fishing and casual paddling at some of our local “small” lakes.
I’ve been shopping around via websites and have really taken a liking to the Pescadore 12’ yak by Perception. Do any of you experienced paddlers have any first hand experience with either the pescadore or perception brand yaks? It’s listed at $448 at Dicks and that’s about the price my wife will let me dish out on a boat… Until she tries it and wants one too.
I’m also trying to decide on a youth yak for our 11 yr old daughter. She wants to try it more than mom does. Any suggestions?
we could help more
if we knew your height and weight. Maybe a 12 footer will float you fine. Maybe not.
Did you try the Pescadore? Try before you buy.
how big is your daughter? There are a few small SOTs (sit on tops) out there and a couple made specifically for kids. But you prolly won’t find them at Dick’s.
SOTs have a lot going for them (I have one, it’s very fun for Class I&II rivers and lakes). But one thing they don’t do is offer any sort of protection from wind and waves. So for the small lakes you’ll be going on, and depending what time of year you’re paddling them, be aware of that and budget for some paddlewear.
Even in AZ.
If you like to fish, be aware you can outfit just about any SOT for fishing and not pay the upcharges for a fisherman’s model.
There is a really good site for SOT users (fishing or not): www. You’ll prolly get more and varied responses, and their archived topics are very good.
I guess I kinda left that out.
I’m 5’9", 170 and my daughter is not going to be very tall by any means and is of average weight for an 11 year old.
I’d love to try it first, but I really don’t know of any place around here that will let someone do that. But I shall inquire.
I’ll check out that other forum as well, thanks.