Personal Safety

It’s a plot, nothingbto see here. The residents are lusrs. The video is AI. I read above where someone is a victim of an unprovoked attack and then feels bad for reacting in self defense. The solution is to let that person thrash you to within an inch of your life. Then pray for them, or maybe prayer isn’t going to help . I remember the video of the woman in the NY subway who was minding her business and this repeat violent offender knocked the snot out of her. She lost vision in one eye, and was on the verge of losing both eyes. It’s seems that some feel a greater affinity for the criminal thsn the victim. I have no doubt you feel saintly for your compasion, so you might be offended by my comment, if so, then that’s life: when you so readily dismiss violence against innocent people, and shower compasion on the violent offender, you’re complicit, because you make excuses for it, condone it, and facilitate it. I can’t change your mind, so don’t bother schooling me with drivel. The world is full of wolves, sheep, and sheep dogs. The incredible ironynis the sheep who feel for wolves while degrading the sheep for tryingbto keep them safe. It must be horrible to be “woke”.

How do you know that what is happening in Aurora is fake news. Those hoodlums were probably plain clothes detectives serving a warrant. You can trust the mayor, he visited the place. They unfairly arrested a few and let them go on $1,000 bail. What do you think will happen to the snitches and witnesses. No victims, no trial. Tell me a joke to make me laugh.


Here’s a question: why are young boys badgered about toxic masculinity, then the sebior members of the progressive woke coalition make it their life ambition to turn prepubescent girls into boys with testosterine infections. That gross duplicity doesn’t click a warning in your head that somebody is playing you for a fool. Or a 6’4" inch guy takes some pills, joins the girls squad, takes the trophies (if they tie the score, the dressed up boy gets the trophy, because he, she or . . . Is so brave). Explain to me what you tell your daughter - Mary, it’s too bad you weren’t born a guy!


My, my such passion…

Seems to me like you’re ignoring the issue that I’m warning other paddlers about…

Such programmed paranoia…

FYI, “Epoch Times”, the source cited at length above, is a Falun Gong enterprise, yes, that right wing extremist apocalyptic religious cult Chinese consortium that backs Trump and the Qanon delusion as well as anti vaxxing and election denial, they are bent on destroying anything they fantasize might be allied with the Chinese government that has banned their cult. Like the home grown zealots who masterminded the McCarthy hearings of the 1950’s, they tag anyone or anybody who they remotely disagree with as “communist” or “terrorist” and will spread any sort of lies and misinformation to enable the agendas of would-be dictators who they believe will hasten their “end times” and destroy their imagined “enemies”.

The fact that so many Americans fall for all this kompromat that originates from sources and grievances from beyond out borders is troubling, especially since those that are influenced by it are so insistent that they are being “patriotic.” It is not that difficult to cross check one’s “news” sources before blaring one’s ignorance by sharing them as gospel.

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I thought your response was well thought out and included a tangible example of how the issue affects you personally and captures the frustration many of us feel. I thought your contribution was spot on and just the sort of conversation that’s needed. Sorry you feel like you “took the bait.”

You have no idea of my intentions

Its interesting that those who replied negatively don’t realize that its their own safety and access to the public lands they enjoy that’s at stake. I’ve been documenting the problem in my community for 3 years and that’s why I posted the website address. I’m trying to make others aware; I get nothing for clicks and I don’t solicit donations, sell anything, demand action, or collect any information. Its an important issue, so I decided to do something - so flame away! It says more about you than it does me anyway and the problem remains whether you agree with me or not.

Nor you mine, apparently.
As I’ve said above, the problem is real. Except for those living under a rock, everyone knows it. We see it everywhere. It is a national embarrassment.
We desperately need solutions, but demonizing and dehumanizing the homeless as a class of criminals and enemies isn’t one of them. It is instead the oldest propaganda in the book. It solves nothing.

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The problem of our health care system is the number getting free healthcare after a paid a lifetime into it. The current candidate wants every person who comes here to grt free health care. Its not free - you pay for it. The worst part of that is it encourages more illegal crossing. Free cell phone. Free transportation to the city if choice. Inner sanctuary cities are residents are dick of the community shelters forvtheir kids becoming bed and breakfast for migrants. How do I get free health care. Not only are they coming, the government is picking them up on charter flights. Do you know that the FBI interviewed, vetted and approved entry for 150 foreigners on the terror watch list. 50 caught, 100 roaming free. Homeland Security couldn’t release the details- classified. Wouldn’t release the names - violation of persobal privacy . . .

A Pakistani enlisted the aid of an FBI asset to attack synagogue on the anniversery of the Israeli terror attacks. That while college students support and terrorize Jewish students. They did nothing, just going to school. Maybe they need a safe place where they can scream or pet goats. I think they need more. Look up why Jordan, the Saudis and Egyptians are preventing the refugee flood. There’s history there. The FBI gave a special immigration pass to a Pakistani. They later got chatter that he plotting target the political opponent. They infiltrated his plot, the trigger for the attack was him leaving the country. The day he tried to leave the country, he was arrested; the next day was the Butler Rally.

Targets are not limited to jewish worship centers, but to Christian churches. The bad news for santuary cities is that the suspected identified targets are all santuary cities. Think you’re safe because you’d swap soft drinks with them? Is this real!?!? A 14 year old kid almist took out the political opponent, and they stoll can’t figure out what went wrong. A 14 year old kid shot up a school a year after he was confronted by the FBI and the father bought.him a gun, yet nobidy monitored or counseled the kid. Ban the gun. Ban propane tanks wrapped in nails. Ban pressure cookers and fireworks. Ban hatchets, chainsaw. And cars so they can’t drive through a crowd. Ban gasoline. Just like in Aurora, the gsmg takeover of the apartment didn’t happen!? So why is there a recommendation to tear down the buildings. Because they attract criminsl activity. Dupicity at the finest. Nothing to see here. Can’t change anyones minds around here. But msybe someone who just woke up might stop spouting party lines . . . These aren’t the droids you’re looking for, move on . . . ! Life is easy when somebody shapes your narrative.

True … across the political spectrum.
That’s why I believe it’s important to consume news and opinion from different sources with different perspectives (not those whose real purpose is to get your money for something), and to do so - as much as possible - with an open mind. It’s not easy these days!
I’ve used this site when I’m not sure about the leanings of a news source.
If a source doesn’t appear at all, then I’m very skeptical of its credibility.

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Before you get over your skis villifying me for drawing attention to the problem, how many drug camps do you have near your house?

I didn’t believe it, you know, saw it on Fox first. Then I saw it on a trusted news source., so now I wonder what’s true.

So who do you believe? I don’t understand how open minded people get so confused by news sources. Hillary Clinton is a narcissist. Comey misquoted the criminal statute about putting classified material on a private server. Title 18 USC, sec 793 is about providing classified info to a foreign agency with the “intent” of “harming” the US. Sec 794 covers the “unwitting” act without the element of intent (that means the fact of doing it, even unknowingly. Sec 1924 is about mishandling. Comey saved her from jail - look at the penalties. It’s in the statute, but she condemded him for her failed campaign. Now she call Orange man a. Convicted Fellon. He didn’t have a sugsr daddy, like when Sandy Berger was stuffing classified documents in his socks. Remember that?

Biden removed info as a Senator and VP, stored in an office with a known Chinese intel officer who had a key to the office. He had the rest in boxes next to his vette. Do you know the content of that info, it hsdbto do with US policy and Ukraine, remember firing the prosecutor or no billion dollar funding if they don’t stop investigating his son. By the way, VPs have no authority to declassify or retain classified info after the term of office, and ironically, Hillary had a certified SCIF in her residence to conduct classified work from home. I hear from credible sources that she never activsted the secure account. Reformated the stuff and put it on a bathroom server, and the public is . . . What word? . . . Uninformed and . . . Befuddled.

I can explain the presidential retention act, but we probably will end up agreeing to disagree.

The current candidate ran on a platform just 4 years ago. Its on video. People actually voted for her on that platform (correction - she didn’t get a single primary vote). She was touted as the border czar, now she denies it. She bailed out arsonist during the riots. Her running mate let his city burn, his wife said she opened the window to smell the smoke, his daughter told the reactionaries the National Guard hadn’t been called up. He praises China (did you see the articles on PBS and other “trusted news source” about Chinese “police stations” in the US which have no contitutional authority). This administration has weakened restriction on chinese intel activities in the US, and the question is why was it allowed. Laptop is Russian disinformation, until the FBI used it in a trial and authenticate it, but the coolaide drinkers don’t even know that. He denied it was his, until the lawyer asked for his client’s laptop back. Hunter represented a chinese intel officer on crimes of espionage, and he earned 1 million in the process. The guy was an executive of the company that loaned Hunter’s dual use technology company 1.5 billion. He flew back from China with the Big Guy on AF2 for 15 hours, yet Joe was too disinterested in the smartest guy he knows to ask, how did your business swindle go. Need anything from your dear old dad. The average person doesnt know how to process that. Sad!

Now Kamel swears she didn’t change her values. That’s two lies. But which one is the second lie. Last cycle, she ran on a platform that she now reversed and denounced. One lie is certain, but is the first campaign platform real or the new one that mirrors orange man the real candidate. Well, heres one way ti look at it, they all lie, so if you want the first token sonething, then you do what you gotta do.

I don’t care what you believe or who you vote for. If you like what she did during her reign with the dementia patient (she swore he was the brightest guy in the room) he forgot that 13 service personnel were killed in the Afghanistan debacle, and they retaliated by blowing up a guy unloading bottles of water.

Here’s the deal. This isn’t a political discussion. The left/democrat party brought this inflation on us and is doubling down. They ran on the platform, then clueless peolple say: depends on the news source. It does not! I just enter these discussions to assess your problem solving, ability to analyze info, conduct research, arrive at conclusions . . . I really don’t care what party you back, who you vote for, and I can not change your mind.

Furthermore, on more related topics, I do not expect anyone to accept my point of view or method of paddling. These posts reflect your analytical skills. All I can say is, caveat emptor.

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All this is a long trail starting from an observation about launch points and the safety of using them.
So to bring it back full circle, there are really only a few choices:
Number 1. Use them and accept being a victim when it’s your turn , but blame it on someone else’s policies and politics.

Number 2. Stop using them completely.

Number .3 Use them and accept responsibility for your own safety and be ready to defend it.

Number 4…Well , there is no Number 4.

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Once again, you immediately jump to delusions about things I did not say and opinions I do not hold. Too tiresome to continue.

For #4, how about going back to what @ppine said about situational awareness?
Always be aware of what’s going on around you (and have at least two plans at the ready).
If I don’t have a Plan B in my back pocket, my planning isn’t done.

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Well Alice, that’s not a “Number 4”

It’s an overview of all the first 3.

You’ll still make a choice, and if you are aware of the surroundings you will still choose one of those 3.

Im not sure I did, but that’s only my opinion. The thread was directed to your post, but not isolated to you. Its more about how I see di) scussions on many topics. Some are amazingly detailed, while others have that god awful caveot - we’ll that’s uour opinion. That is the lamest comment. Everyhing that isnt supportrd by detailed documentation to back it is just so much fluff. Whether its true or not.

Here’s an example. If I wanted to prove my point, I’d post pictures of sloppy paddle form. What does it look like.


I posted Olympic athletes paddling because they’re ar the peak of their game. Question 1) how fast can they paddle. 2) are they using special boats equipped to reach those speeds and is a regular kayak suitable for such aggressive technique. 3) how long can they paddle using that technique before they bonk (or until they have zero energy to continue).

Now if your goal is to paddle a relatively efficient long boat, is that paddling technique the most efficient. 4) how much impact does that aggressive style have on your joints, and how much if that splash could be channeled into propulsion. 5) the red outstretched paddle has splashes in front and behind the blade. One is blunting forward motion, while other is creating turbulence in the stroke. How much will an aggresive paddling stroke and overuse of energy be negated by the sloppy catch. 6) how much energy is lost from flinging the water at the exit in both the yellow boat and the CD boat.

If you push, pull, stomp and twist while padding, the increased force uses energy and adds shock to hands, wrists, shoulders and elbows. How much of that energy is frittered away with sloppy, over agressive technique. As with political topics, I don’t care about your opinions. I would like to see the hsrd data. I actually provide clues in my previous posts, but . . . I only saw one other person provide info that would be useful. If you have energy to spare, no joint damage or pain, or don’t care about speed or efficiency, then do what you do.

Hmmm. I’m not sure one needs to be situationally aware to stop using them completely (#2), and being unaware of circumstances and surroundings is a good (if passive) way to choose #1.
I’m not yet willing to stop using them completely and I’m not into playing or being a victim, so that leaves #3. Under that scenario, having a Plan B is wise IMO.
