Looking to add a new knife to my PFD. Any fixed blade or folding knife that is preferred over others?
Been addressed about 150 times.
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West Marine Folder
They have a nice blunt tip knife. I have the straight blade a friend has the serrated blade.
I see a lot of Gerber river Shorties out there in fixed blade land.
I’m using
the Gerber Rivermate. It secures nicely to the pdf (just make sure the rib on the clip seats over the pdf lash tab) and is very secure in the holster. I do have mine attached with a lanyard to the pdf in case it pops out but so far so good.
Right or wrong
I see a lot of Gerber River Shortys on vests. I have two.
I have the older one taped in with vinyl tape which makes it very secure and still easy enough to break loose when needed.
So far, I’ve used it to slice a watermelon and cut some twine to release a buoy for the marine police at a triathlon event.
CRKT rescue hook
is fastened to my vest most of the time. It cuts strap and line well without being a danger to the user (who has a history of blade-related mishaps).
It actually gets used quite often to cut away and remove snagged fishing line and such.
I like my Gerber Shortys. I have two on two pfds.
I’ve had them for a lot of years.
They’ve cut rope twice and webbing once (last summer recovering a pinned boat).
They’ve done outfitting adjustments on numerous occasions. Once or twice they cut cheese and spread peanut butter.
I’ve often been glad I had them.
Some folks have found them easy to lose. I don’t know why as mine seem quite secure in their sheaths.
CRKT Bear Claw
Titanium Pilot Knife. I have rusted through 3 other “stainless” steel knives over the last couple years so I finally bit the bullet and spent for what should be an indestructible knife. We’ll see. Ordered it last week, should be in any day. http://www.nrsweb.com/shop/product.asp?pfid=27571&pdeptid=960
Spyderco Atlantic Salt
With a blunt tip and serrated edge. Lives in a pfd pocket, rust proof despite repeated salt water dunkings and not getting rinsed off too often.