Place to Store Kayak near Baltimore MD

I am moving from my house in Florida up to an apartment in Baltimore MD. I am tryng to figure out the best place to store my kayak, since I will not longer have a garage to put it in.

Any Suggestions???

An idea

– Last Updated: May-16-07 11:11 AM EST –

Dave, people could be a lot more helpful with this if you considered and shared with us where you intend to use the kayak - I'd guess that would be the best place to keep it right? Are you living in Downtown Baltimore - north of the city, south of the city - actually not in the city but near it?

For starters I'd suggest you give these folks a call and ask for their advice. Annapolis is an outstanding base for kayaking and these guys are very helpful. I have no idea if they would store it but they can probably suggest someplace that would.

Good luck.

Clubs or paddler w/o enough boats around

– Last Updated: May-16-07 11:22 AM EST –

Many paddlers in your situation in the DC/Baltimore areas belong to clubs and store their boat there. I do believe this is an expensive option.

Best would be to find a paddler with just too few boats at their house, just looking for a few more to hang around. ;^) Don't be shy, come right out and ask.

Almost forgot. Many in your situation also hang or just sit their boat(s) in the hallway, livingroom, spareroom, etc of their apartments.

>:^) Mick