I’m looking for a quality plastic 17’ kayak.
I have found three all for the same price … Could anyone help with a comparison/ review/ or comments on these 3 plastic/rm boats? … Can you compare the P&H Capella, Valley Skerray and the Current Designs Sirocco?
fit, not quality, is important
The fit for you in these boats is more important than any minor differences in quality. Do whatever you can (demo at shop, rent from shop, take classes that would let you use one of these boats, borrow from friend or club member, etc.) and try out the boats and see how they feel to you.
Lets presume they all fit well.
Start here
http://www.paddling.net/Reviews/ There are something like 14 reviews for the Valley, 9 for the Capella, and like 150 for the Sirocco. Pages and pages of the kind of opinion you are asking for. Good luck!
Try before you buy …
Arm chair boating is not very successful.
Plastic Boats last a long, long time
People should not assume that plastic is somehow bad !
A kayak made of durable, recyclable, repairable
EXL™ superlinear polyethylene can easily last 10 years or more.
bad assumption
All 3 boats will feel different to you. And different to me (yet my different will be different than your different).