Please Advise

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I am assuming that is a composite boat. Is that the case? If so, is there an internal sealed float tank that prevents access to the damaged area from the hull interior?

Ouch! Buy a new one if it’s just a boat, but that’s just me; unless it has some nostalgic or antique/not available value.

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That’ll buff right out.


Looks like it was over buffed, or use a finer grit. Thats why they make duct tape.

Was it buffed by a highway ----- at about 65MPH?


Generally for this type of damage to this type or kayak, a drain plug and seat back replacement is recommended. If you really want to repair it, get some SS window screen, a heat gun or hair dryer, and a polyethylene plastic container. Form the screen to approximate the missing area, apply it to the hole, and heat it so it melts into the plastic. Then heat the poly and apply in layers over the screen. If you do it right you will have a lumpy but mostly water tight repair.

As PBlanc says, if it is a composite then you will want to get access to the inside, get out the grinder & sander, and then the fiberglass & epoxy. If thermoform, you MIGHT be able do the same but I’ve not worked with that material although I know of one TF kayak that has had a successful fiberglass repair on the hull.

If I am seeing this right it was a catastrophic failure of the rack as well as a really significant hole in the boat. Maybe from trying to go somewhere that the boat did not fit. Unless the cradle for the boat is usually held in place with bungie cords…

So guessing this is a shot of someone else’s catastrophe. Sparky?

That is not a composite boat. Looks like a Pelican or something similar. IMO you can try and repair it, but since any failure of the repair would cause the boat to sink I would likely recommend destroying it.

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so tell us about the boat, hard to figure out what is going on from the photo other than it looks like it has a really big hole in the end, what type of boat is it? material?

Identifying marks on the hull: two piece polyethylene construction (note weld between hull and deck). Longitudinal ribs in the hull (stiffening for thin plastic with a flat bottom profile). Molded in circular depressions in the hull (more stiffening). It is either a Pellican or a nearly identical model.

In that case take it to the landfill, beyond welding, and hard to find a recycling center but that would be more eco friendly

More reason to repair it.

polyethylene is tough, beyond welding, diminishing returns for the time and cost