Post-bypass exiting kayak

My mom had a triple bypass a couple of years ago so her upper body strength is not great. She recently bought a kayak because she’s always wanted one. There is a small pond next to her house that she can kayak in.

Her issue is getting out of the kayak without causing pain in her chest. She does not use the dock, instead she’s found an area where there is a bit of a beach but it’s not completely even.

She’s thinking of putting something in to give her more balance but I thought some of you might have some advice.


Is she pushing up on her arms to exit?
If so maybe she should pull her legs out first and then kind of fall out to the side. She’ll get wet but it’ll take the strain off her chest.

Thanks Celia. I should have added that she’s trying to find a graceful way to exit rather than dunking herself every time. :wink:

Can she exit near the dock
so that she can place her hands on the dock to steady herself as she uses her legs (which have exited the kayak on her strongest side) to stand up?

which did she get?
A sit on or a sit in type kayak? It would be much easier getting off of a sit on kayak than getting out of a sit on type.

Exit on a swim ladder
If the dock is a floater.

In any case swing both legs over the side and using the paddle as a cane stand up

The deeper the water the easier it is. Toilet height depth is about right. Make sure she gets her legs under the boat rather than extended outward

My mom had a triple bypass a couple of years ago so her upper body strength is not great.

They are not related.

Her upper body strength is not good because her upper body strength is not good.

Now she is trying some physical activity (good for her!) that she is unused to, and those weak muscles are complaining.

Rather than try to avoid it, embrace it. Do some push-ups too. Strengthen those muscles and they’ll stop complaining.

floating dock
Some people even install a jet ski pad. The point is having a surface close to the water.

unsure if the OP’s mom had
scar tissue adhesions which prevent strengthening. Only a revision surgery would fix that.

Tearing them is incredibly painful my friend did that and gave up paddling.-

Ski Rope Handle
Tie a rope to the bow, attach ski rope handle, then she can pull to a standing position easily.

Find someone with a backhoe or tractor
bucket or bobcat, and have them re-sculpt the “beach” so it IS even. Put in a slot to hold the kayak. Might have to add some sand or gravel.

Kayak models vary in stability, so, perhaps she may want to be gifted with another inexpensive model that has this. This is part of the reason I have what appear to be big long sit on top fishing kayaks, because I really, really need that stability on the exit and entry, and they are solid. The seats are also HIGHER, which really helps. It’s actually more work to paddle the shorter boats. I am not saying she needs a 14’ foot long kayak, only that she might have one that is not easy to exit for normals, either. I really worked on my core muscles and legs to be able to use these, but it was worth it. I do not care what it looks like as long as I am in and out without falling, besides, younger people need the amusement. I will sometimes just use my paddle by sticking the blade upright in the water/mud alongside and using that as a steadying stick, but it’s my legs which get me out.

There is no reason you cannot put some sort of framework like a locking walker next to the kayak to steady one’s self on, or have someone make something out of pipe. Or use a double tupperware step or equestrian mounting block.

Might also consider some sort of outrigger, I know these can be retro-fitted on some models.