Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

Pygmy boats are no longer in business they closed back in April 2023 if that is what you were looking for.

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Thanks, we drove past Joe Greenly of Redfish that did my custom seat, I hope he is still there.
I’m not positive I need it in the new kayak because I sit so low and tight.

I believe he is still in business. I have admired his work.

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There used to be a nice seakayak symposium in Port Townsend (Fort Worden).
My first year I lived in the area (Kirkland), I paddled from home to the symposium.

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The Greenley custom minicell foam seat in my Sterling is by far the most comfortable seat I’ve experienced. He has done enough seats for different kayaks that he supposedly has measurements and shapes ready for most named brands.


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I love mine in the CD Solstice but I was just wondering if I should mess with perfection on the Braveheart balance? I am leaning towards it unless the price has doubled like everything else.
I do remember he has you sit in the boat and I know he knows what he is doing.
I am grateful to those of you that told me not to cut the thigh braces (?) off.
In my perfect world, I’d buy one of his artisan wood boats to hang in my vaulted ceiling.:wink:

Nothing wrong with those views.

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The dog looks happy WHEN HE IS WITH YOUR HUSBAND…I wonder why.

Because he spoils him and I use my mean voice

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Same with my daughter and her husband. He babies her “Datsuns”. She also uses the stern voice. Wiener dogs can have finicky digestion, moreso than most dogs, and her husband feeds them “rich” foods that . . . upset the the natural absorbtion of nutrients and the digestion of food with unintended results.

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Would you just shut the fuck up here and go outside once in a while… Go find a life off this keyboard…


My thought exactly.


Back to the normal programming …

Black Lake, Ilwaco WA


Really?! If you don’t like it, ignore it.


Thank you to those who post pretty Pictures .


Hey look, the OP is here, how many years later? This thread was started in 2019 for pretty pictures, JUST pretty pictures. I had intended for it to be for comments or discussions.

And I hadn’t intended it for bickering.

Please, just post pretty pictures. Pictures, maybe with a caption. If you want to respond to a pretty picture, think long and hard about why you are doing it. This thread is for pretty pictures only.



Good way to spend the coldest day of the year.


I apologize. By way of explanation, me and another member had been joking around about how she treats her dog and she posted a picture of her dog on your thread, so I joked around about it. Someone took that occasion to hurl a personal insult. Again, I apologize for my role in marring your thread. I have seen many, many times here and other places, people take over other people’s threads for their own purposes and it is not right.

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