Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

This is the OP’s thread, not mine.

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Water is too hard to paddle here


Just forget the paddle ('til spring). Great snow cover that beckons! Get the skis, snowshoes and trekking poles out! Beautiful sunset there!

There is always some outdoor activity to pursue/enjoy. :slight_smile:



I can’t stop dreaming of the summer to come … this is the Huron River at the Peninsular dam last summer, 1/2 hour after sunrise. This dam is coming out soon, either this year or next, but they are keeping the old generator house with its iconic sign.

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This is the start of the 104-mile Huron River water trail on Proud Lake, all loaded up with 70 lbs of gear – about 50 lbs of camping gear, 5 days of food, and 16 lbs (2 days) of water.


You will persevere.

I look forward to summer, but I can’t help but enjoy the comfort of my recliner that has a pit seat, a tap, and rollers to help me to get around the house if the remote needs new batteries.

I’m not ready to give it up just yet. It’s in the single digits outside. I’ll replace the flannel cover with a down comforter if things get worse.


Do you have a description of your trip somewhere? Which dam was the worst portage?

Ready to Freeze


Looks like she decided to take a break and go on vacation. :wink:

I believe New York copied our statue for Ellis Island. Of course, they had to make it much bigger.


It never occurred to me to do a write-up, but I can put something together in a separate thread. Last summer I actually went down the river twice, the first time (first ever river trip, first ever canoe camping) in stages (day 1, days 2&3, days 4&5), and the second time 5 days continuous. Each dam portage had its own unique challenges, and none was hardest. For instance, French Landing portage was under 4’ of fast moving water, so I took out on the other side and walked my kayak down Haggerty and put in under the bridge on Huron River Drive.


Very cool pics, thanks for sharing.

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I’d love to have a dog that could ride the bow of my kayak! Is that a Yoga mat?

It has been colder than normal here in South Florida but I was get my third paddle of the year in yesterday. It was a beautiful day.


It has been colder than normal here in South Florida but I was able to get my third paddle of the year in yesterday. It was a beautiful day.


Captions…Where are we looking at?

Pretty pictures.

