Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

America’s Lake Washington :us:

Hallstatt Austria :austria:


How much fluctuation have you observed in that resivor last couple seasons ?

None. It’s filled by a pumping station out of the Animas River, not strictly runoff. It has some priority due to agreements with Native American tribes.


You may have noted that Hallstatt has been flooded with tourists that last few years. Many of the locals are grumpy about this.

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We were there during Covid travel restrictions and they were all super welcoming and complaining about their economy
I think normally there are tour buses of people but we experienced none of what we have been reading about in the news.
The hotel offered for us to carry our kayaks through the lobby and leave them on their dock where they have a restaurant.
You can’t drive in, it’s very small village so you walk.

It’s been 20 years since we visited Halstatt truly a beautiful spot. Rented a canoe in Obertraun and paddled beside our daughter as she swam in water much too cold for me.

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Took the Arctic Hawk out for a spin today:


Stunning :+1:t3:

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Nice paddle sport weather with clean air now. One motor on the lake.
Melt away between the water and the sky.
Peace J


nice paddle into darkness


@PaddleDog52 nice deck. You build that? Accents the boat!

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built all the floating docks. Lower is easier to get out in so I added it.

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Morning at Shelter Bay, BC
50 58’37"N 127 27’39"W


I think I see bear scat

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A medium sized Black Bear had left his tracks on the beach following high tide but no indication that that he had paid us a visit. At this particular beach there is a notice posted warning of Cougars and how to act in their presence. I always thought it was someone over-reacting but then I “met” the person who had been attacked by a cougar at this beach. He can be found on if you want to discuss.

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One of my dear college friends was killed by a mountain lion not far from Auburn, CA in 1994. She was the first documented mountain lion fatality in CA in nearly 100 years. The horror aside, I am still inclined to think that her passing had real meaning … respect Mother Nature, she will win in the long run.


I have been stalked twice by mountain lions while calling elk at the end of the day while bowhunting Colorado with my longbow. One was mostly curious the other I had to make it back down. Many years ago, 3 of us camping in the Smoky Mountain National Park had to deal with a black bear that persisted in trying to get into our packs. We finally outsmarted it after two unsuccessful tries.


A couple shots from Lake Jocassee kayak camping the last 3 days.


The ferns are turning brown and the big oaks are shedding acorns by the bushel. Summer is rapidly winding down, except for one defiant lily.