How would I find a price of an old canoe that I own. It is aluminum,1974,sears,model 61007. I want to sell it.
depends on condition
but its forty years old. Likely floatation is rotted.
I sold a thirty year old boat for $100 ten years ago.It was a Grumman and well made.
canoe price
its aluminum, doesn’t rust, no holes. it is 80lbs. I could probably get good money for scrapping the metal. an old storm door will get u 100 dollars at scrap yard.
canoe price
Just looked up price of aluminum. 50-79 cents lb. that means I could scrap it for 40 bucks. thanks for ideas.
Even poor condition canoes
Even poor condition canoes sell for $100-300. If yours floats and is in ok condition, I think 200-400 is reasonable.
There are literally thousands & thousands of old, aluminum canoes available in varied condition, and in every state. Check out craiglist for some pricing.
The asking price is typically in the 250 to 450 dollar price range, depending on size and condition. I’d be willing to bet the asking price can be whittled down 100 dollars 75% of the time. The vast majority of them are not being used, will not be used in the future, and are just taking up space.
Back a month ago, I would have …
given you $150 for it so we could enter the Aluminum Nationals.
We ended up renting an aluminum barge for $50, and I never want to be in another one again.
Ask $200 on Craigs List and it should sell quick for $175
Jack L