Price to ask for Kalliste?


I might be selling my 230 cm Werner Kalliste, as I bought a used 220 from a retail place. It’s in good shape, probably about 8-9 years old.

A couple people that know I bought the other are interested, and unless my husband says he can’t use the 220 on the rec kayak, I’ll probably sell it one way or another. What would be a good price? Hard to find any used ones to figure out a price!


have one 215 i put on marketplace like new 2 pc. listed for 295 or 275. So a year later i still have it. :joy: i don’t care someone can sell it for 50 bucks when I’m dead.

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215 and 220 is short for a Kalliste.

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230 is marginal.

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A new Kalliste sells for $470. If it’s in good shape I’d sell it for 50% or $235. Take a bit more off if there are signs of wear.


Agree with @rstevens15. Seems like about 50% of MSRP is where a lot of good stuff (not junk) moves on CL and FBM. I’ve occasionally done better when an eager buyer connects, but that’s the exception.
Because the Kalliste is a higher end paddle, you’ll have a smaller pool of potential buyers so patience is your friend.

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If you’re willing to ship it (which is admittedly a pain in the bum) you can likely get more selling it on eBay.


It would probably benefit you to tell the readers where you are.

If someone is within reasonable distance from you and wanted to buy it, knowing what distance that is would help you a bunch.


no need for anything longer.

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Thanks everyone!

Depends! I have an odd feeling about short paddles. Like a big guy in a little coat. Must be my build.

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I’m interested. 230 is the recommended length for a Rapidfire and as a single blade canoe guy I don’t want to collect expensive kayak paddles.