I might be selling my 230 cm Werner Kalliste, as I bought a used 220 from a retail place. It’s in good shape, probably about 8-9 years old.
A couple people that know I bought the other are interested, and unless my husband says he can’t use the 220 on the rec kayak, I’ll probably sell it one way or another. What would be a good price? Hard to find any used ones to figure out a price!
have one 215 i put on marketplace like new 2 pc. listed for 295 or 275. So a year later i still have it. i don’t care someone can sell it for 50 bucks when I’m dead.
Agree with @rstevens15. Seems like about 50% of MSRP is where a lot of good stuff (not junk) moves on CL and FBM. I’ve occasionally done better when an eager buyer connects, but that’s the exception.
Because the Kalliste is a higher end paddle, you’ll have a smaller pool of potential buyers so patience is your friend.