QCC Kayak Cart

We have a carbon/kevlar 700 and 10x. I have the Seattle Sports Paddleboy Original Air Boat Cart and it seems to stress the deck slightly when under load because the way it binds to hold it in place. I love the cart for our plastic boats but worry about damaging the QCCs.

I have a gift card for REI.com and am trying to choose a cart. Which one that they sell do you folks like for the QCCs. These have to be purchased online so it is tough to try them on the boats prior.


Carts for QCCs
I have tried stern mount and mid-mount carts of a number of varieties and for me the mid-mount is the preferable because then the cart carries all the weight. In addition a mid-mount minimizes the chance of dragging the stern of the boat.

That said I have used a Primex/Roleez with a 400X for 5 seasons without a single problem and virtually every junket involves a half mile down the street to the park, down an embankment, and across a sandy beach.

Mine is like the canoe/kayak cart here: http://www.wheeleez.com/view-kayak-canoe-cart.php

Primex was bought by Roleez/Wheeleez. The model I have either has a lot of knock offs or it is sold under different brands. At REI the closest like it is the Seattle Sports Deluxe where the reviews are poor. Whether that is user preferences or problems is uncertain. If you look at the reviews for Primex, Roleez, and Wheeleez here http://www.paddling.net/Reviews/showAcc3.html?cat=10 you get quite a variety for the same cart.

As a consideration, the balloon tires on the Wheeleez models at REI would be easier on the beach while the Seattle Sports type tires might be more durable/suited for other surfaces. The lawn mower tire type like on the Washburne Midwheels are the worst beach performers.

"stress the deck slightly"
Methinks the flexing you see is indeed stress, but might not be as serious as you think.

Why not check with QCC first?


a Paddleboy user on a 500 in glass

Thanks Guys!